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Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence in Los Angeles

Miller, Amalia R; Segal, Carmit; Spencer, Melissa K (2020). Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic violence in Los Angeles. NBER Working Paper Series 28068, National Bureau of Economic Research.

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English / 08/02/2021

When work feels like family, employees keep quiet about wrongdoing

Khan, Saera R; Howe, Lauren (2020). When work feels like family, employees keep quiet about wrongdoing. Harvard Business Review:online.

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English / 05/02/2021

The Funny Thing About Robot Leadership

Gloor, Jamie Lee; Howe, Lauren; De Cremer, David; Yam, Kai Chi (Sam) (2020). The Funny Thing About Robot Leadership. European Business Law Review:online.

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English / 05/02/2021

Qualitative Evaluations of mHealth Interventions: Current Gaps and Future Directions

Bradway, Meghan; Leibowitz, Kari; Garrison, Kathleen A; Howe, Lauren; Årsand, Eirik (2020). Qualitative Evaluations of mHealth Interventions: Current Gaps and Future Directions. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 270:1041-1045.

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English / 05/02/2021

How to (actually) save time while working remotely

Howe, Lauren; Whillans, Ashley; Menges, Jochen (2020). How to (actually) save time while working remotely. Harvard Business Review:online.

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English / 05/02/2021

Do Risk Disclosures Matter When it Counts? Evidence from the Swiss Franc Shock

Hail, Luzi; Muhn, Maximilian; Oesch, David (2020). Do Risk Disclosures Matter When it Counts? Evidence from the Swiss Franc Shock. SSRN 2939935, University of Zurich.

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English / 05/02/2021

Acknowledging uncertainty impacts public acceptance of climate scientists’ predictions

Howe, Lauren C; MacInnis, Bo; Krosnick, Jon A; Markowitz, Ezra M; Socolow, Robert (2019). Acknowledging uncertainty impacts public acceptance of climate scientists’ predictions. Nature Climate Change, 9(11):863-867.

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English / 05/02/2021

Intangible Capital and Leverage

Horsch, Philipp; Longoni, Philip; Oesch, David (2019). Intangible Capital and Leverage. SSRN 2906283, University of Zurich.

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English / 05/02/2021

How social norms are often a barrier to addressing climate change but can be part of the solution

Sparkman, Gregg; Howe, Lauren; Walton, Greg (2020). How social norms are often a barrier to addressing climate change but can be part of the solution. Behavioural Public Policy:1-28.

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English / 05/02/2021

How do apprentices moderate the influence of organizational innovation on the technological innovation process?

Rupietta, Christian; Meuer, Johannes; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2018). How do apprentices moderate the influence of organizational innovation on the technological innovation process? Swiss Leading House Working Paper 145, University of Zurich.

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English / 03/02/2021

A robust share-of-choice model

In this paper, we propose an approach to take into account , in a robust way, part-worth uncertainty in a share-of-choice (SOC) model. More precisely, we extend the method proposed by Wang and Curry by endogenously including competition. Indeed in their approach, competition is described exogenously and the model cannot take into account part-worth uncertainty for the competition’s…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 02/02/2021

Schwaninger, Markus: Lebensfähigkeit durch verantwortungsvolle Führung – Ein Leitfaden für den virtuosen Umgang mit Komplexität. Rezension Peter Gomez, Mark Lambertz, Timo Meynhardt (2019): Verantwortungsvoll führen in einer komplexen Welt. Denkmuster – Werkzeuge – Praxisbeispiele. In: Die Unternehmung 74(2) (2020), S. 231-232.

Schwaninger, Markus: Lebensfähigkeit durch verantwortungsvolle Führung – Ein Leitfaden für den virtuosen Umgang mit Komplexität. Rezension Peter Gomez, Mark Lambertz, Timo Meynhardt (2019): Verantwortungsvoll führen in einer komplexen Welt. Denkmuster – Werkzeuge – Praxisbeispiele. In: Die Unternehmung 74(2) (2020), S. 231-232.

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/ 01/02/2021

Psychometric properties of the Polish versions of the HEXACO-60 and the HEXACO-100 personality inventories

Skimina, Ewa; Strus, Włodzimierz; Cieciuch, Jan; Szarota, Piotr; Izdebski, Pawel K (2020). Psychometric properties of the Polish versions of the HEXACO-60 and the HEXACO-100 personality inventories. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 8(3):259-278.

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English / 26/01/2021

The Rise of Machine Learning in Marketing: Goal, Process, and Benefit of AI-Driven Marketing

Mari, Alex (2019). The Rise of Machine Learning in Marketing: Goal, Process, and Benefit of AI-Driven Marketing. Zurich: Swiss Cognitive.

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English / 26/01/2021

Voice Commerce: Understanding Shopping-Related Voice Assistants and their Effect on Brands

Mari, Alex (2019). Voice Commerce: Understanding Shopping-Related Voice Assistants and their Effect on Brands. In: IMMAA Annual Conference, Northwestern University in Qatar, Doha, 4 October 2019 - 6 October 2019.

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English / 26/01/2021

Wie mit künstlicher Intelligenz umgehen? Die Gesellschaft begegnet der Digitalisierung teilweise mit tiefem Misstrauen. Um die Chancen der künstlichen Intelligenz für die Gesellschaft nutzbar zu machen, muss man diese Skepsis ernst nehmen.

Mader, Clemens; Cas, Johann; Scherer, Anne (2020). Wie mit künstlicher Intelligenz umgehen? Die Gesellschaft begegnet der Digitalisierung teilweise mit tiefem Misstrauen. Um die Chancen der künstlichen Intelligenz für die Gesellschaft nutzbar zu machen, muss man diese Skepsis ernst nehmen. Die Volkswirtschaft, 2020(8-9):53-55.

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English / 26/01/2021

Geteilte Verantwortung

Scherer, Anne; Wenzel, Claudia (2020). Geteilte Verantwortung. In: Fieke, Nadine. Wert von Daten. Zürich: Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, 55-57.

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English / 26/01/2021

Challenges and practices of interviewing business elites

Ma, Shenghui; Seidl, David; McNulty, Terry (2021). Challenges and practices of interviewing business elites. Strategic Organization, 19(1):81-96.

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English / 26/01/2021

Meynhardt, Timo & Fröhlich, Andreas: Gemeinwohl ist für alle da. In: Raiffeisenzeitung Österreich (2018), S. 8-9.

Timo Meynhardt und Andreas Fröhlich forschen auf dem Gebiet des Gemeinwohls. In ihren Studien gehen sie davon aus, dass Gemeinwohl
nicht auf der Basis von „Fakten“ durch Experten bestimmbar ist, sondern erst durch die Wahrnehmung und Wertschätzung in der Öffentlichkeit entsteht.

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/ 24/01/2021


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