Publications des institutions partenaires

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Full information estimations of a system of simultaneous equations with error component structure

In this paper we develop full information methods for estimating the parameters of a system of simultaneous equations with error component struc-ture and establish relationships between the various structural estimat

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1987

ECRINS/86: An Extended Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System and its Semantic Query Language

We propose a DBMS the data model of which is an extension of the Entity-Relationship model of Chen. The main extensions include the specialization and generalization concepts of Smith & Smith and the possibility to define relationships between relationships. In addition we extend the concept of a role in a relationship, to a multi-valued role which enables to associate a set of…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1986

The PLS (Partial Least Squares) Approach to Multidimensional Contingency Tables

Les idées développées d'ans ce texte s'inspirent de l'approche des modèles à variables latentes par les moindres carrés partiels (PLS) dite plus simplement " modélisation souple" (soft modeling) proposée par H. Wold (1795, 197, 1979, 1981). Le modèle définit une (ou plusieurs) variable latente pour chacune des marges du tableau de contingence. Les variables…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1982

Transparency in Parliamentary Voting

We use a change in the voting procedures of one of the two chambers of the Swiss parliament to explore how transparency affects the voting behavior of its members. Until 2013, the Upper House (Council of States) had voted by a show of hands. While publicly observable at the time of the vote, legislators' decisions could only be verified ex post through the time-consuming…

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Endogenous Growth, Semi-endogenous Growth... or Both? A Simple Hybrid Model

First generation endogenous growth models had the counterfactual implication that the long-term growth of per-capita GDP increased with the population size. Two influential growth paradigms, the semi-endogenous and the second generation fully endogenous, eliminated this strong scale effect. Both solutions have useful aspects and
insights, but very different policy implications…

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The Imbalanced Catch-up to Rational Expectations: Capital Flows during Convergence

How long shall a country take to learn the world technological frontier? What would happen if that country found the same difficulties in learning the true model of its economy? After all, countries catching up often experience life-changing transformations during the catch-up to a balanced growth path. We show that an open economy, learning rational expectations alongside foreign…

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Immigration, Real Estate Prices and the Consumption Decision of Native Households

Since house prices govern the consumption decisions of renters and owners alike, changing house prices can have far-reaching macroeconomic consequences. We analyze how the disposable income and consumption decisions of households are affected by exogenous house price changes in Switzerland. We look at consumption of both housing and nondurable goods to establish a comprehensive…

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Win-win and no-win situations in supply chain finance: The case of accounts receivable programs

The paper aims to investigate whether supply chain finance (SCF) solutions have the potential to create tripartite value in the international trade arena. Distinguishing three actors, this value proposition is examined by modeling an accounts receivable platform (ARP) program. The setting is adapted to a supply chain with an OECD supplier and non-OECD buyers. The paper identifies…

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Governance Structure and the Credibility Gap: Experimental Evidence on Family Businesses’ Sustainability Reporting

This paper examines the success of corporate communication in voluntary sustainability reporting. Existing studies have focused on the perspective of the communicators but lack an understanding of the perspective of information recipients to clearly evaluate this interactive communication process. This paper looks at the issue of a credibility gap perceived by external stakeholders…

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Work-related Social Support Modulates Effects of Early Life Stress on Limbic Reactivity during Stress

Early life stress (ELS) affects stress- reactivity via limbic brain regions implicated such as hippocampus and amygdala. Social support is a major protective factor against ELS effects, while subjects with ELS experience reportedly perceive less of it in their daily life. The workplace, where most adults spend a substantial amount of time in their daily lives, might serve as a major…

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