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English / 01/01/2016

Is inequality harmful for Innovation and Growth? Price versus Market Size Effects

We introduce non-homothetic preferences into an R&D based growth model to study how demand forces shape the impact of inequality on innovation and growth. Inequality affects the incentive to innovate via a price effect and a market size effect. When innovators have a large productivity advantage over traditional producers a higher extent of inequality tends to increase innovators…

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English / 01/01/2016

Company Succession in Practice – The Challenge of Generation Change

The study "Company Succession in Practice – The Challenge of Generation Change" is based on a survey of more than 1,300 Swiss SMEs. Twenty percent of the entrepreneurs who took part are planning to hand their company over within the next five years. In other words, an estimated 70,000-80,000 businesses in Switzerland are facing generation change between now and 2021.…

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English / 01/01/2016

Expressive shareholder democracy? A multilevel study of shareholder dissent in 15 Western European countries

This study develops an expressive understanding of shareholder dissent. In this view, shareholder dissent is not only about the voting outcomes of proposals put to the vote, but also expresses an evaluation of the firm's corporate governance set-up. We hypothesize that shareholder dissent expresses an agency theoretical evaluation of corporate governance, but that the degree to…

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English / 01/01/2016

The Roles of Industry Idiosyncrasy, Cost Efficiency, and Risk in Internationalization: Evidence From the Insurance Industry

A central matter of dispute in the internationalization literature is the existence and shape of a systematic relationship between the degree of internationalization and firm performance (I-P relationship). Considering the global insurance industry, we show that the I-P relationship depends on the industry's idiosyncrasies and on the geographical scope of internationalization.…

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English / 01/01/2016

Corruption: Uncovering the Price of Normative Morality and the Value of Ethics

Corruption should be understood as illustrative of an ethical problem that runs deeper than specific immoral actions. This Article sees corruption as an unethical exchange, a view that can shed light on the economic structure of normative morality (as distinguished from ethics which is the theoretical field that underlies normative morality)—a structure that enables the possibility…

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English / 01/01/2016

Maintaining Moral Legitimacy through Worlds and Words: An Explanation of Firms' Investment in Sustainability Certification

A prominent way for firms to manage their moral legitimacy is to invest in sustainability certifications. However, a significant subset of firms remain reluctant to invest in sustainability certifications even decades after the establishment of such certifications. Our paper seeks to elucidate this variance by exploring how firms in the coffee, tea, and chocolate industries…

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English / 01/01/2016

Bring Your Own Device - Wie man den Einsatz privater mobiler Geräte im beruflichen Umfeld gestaltet, damit er nicht zum "Bring Your Own Desaster" wird

BYOD ist die geschäftliche Nutzung eines mobilen privaten Gerätes. Der Nutzeffekt von Privatgeräten am Arbeitsplatz ist unbestritten. Gleichzeitig gilt es, die Sicherheit und Informationsgüter sowie die Privatsphäre der Arbeitnehmer zu gewährleisten. Dazu werden immer öfter entsprechende Nutzungs­richtlinien festgelegt. Ist in gewissen Branchen die Datensicherheit sehr wichtig, ist…

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English / 01/01/2016

Revealing the chief strategist's hidden value : How CEOs can measure their CSOs' performance - Chief Strategy Officer Survey 2016

The work of strategy departments and all who are responsible for the strategy planning process has not got any easier in recent years. The context in which strategic plans must be formulated has grown less stable. Volatility and uncertainty make business decisions more difficult. Given this situation, it is not a bad idea
to critically review what have traditionally been the…

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English / 01/01/2016


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