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Testing for measurement invariance by detecting local misspecification and an illustration across online and paper-and-pencil samples

Political scientists often need to evaluate whether samples are comparable,for example, when analysing different countries or time points or when comparing data collected using different methods. A necessary condition for conducting such meaningful cross-group comparisons is the establishment of measurement invariance. One of the most frequently used procedures for establishing…

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English / 01/01/2015

Skill heterogeneity in startups and its development over time

We study how startup teams are assembled in terms of team member human capital characteristics. To this end, we derive a statistically motivated benchmark for new venture team heterogeneity in terms of observed team member characteristics to generate stylized facts about team member diversity at startup and how it evolves as the new venture matures. We use the population of Danish…

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English / 01/01/2015

Can system dynamics learn from social network analysis?

This article deals with the analysis of large or complex system dynamics (SD) models, exploring the benefits of a multimethodological approach to model analysis. We compare model analysis results from SD and social network analysis (SNA) by deploying SNA techniques on a pertinent example from the SD literature—the world dynamics model. Although SNA is a clearly distinct method from…

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English / 24/07/2014

Archetypes of inter-firm relations in the implementation of management innovation: A set-theoretic study in China's biopharmaceutical industry

Innovation research increasingly focuses on understanding why and how firms implement new management practices, processes or structures. Emerging in the shadow of research on technological innovation, growing evidence points towards the inter-firm relation as an important locus of innovation. Yet although organizational theory suggests discrete alternative inter-firm coordination…

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English / 01/01/2014


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