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Chance zur Erneuerung

Eine seriöse Aufarbeitung der globalen Finanzkrise ist sehr wichtig, damit nicht in der Hektik des Tagesgeschehens die falschen Schlüsse gezogen werden.

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Deutsch / 31/01/2009

The leverage effect without leverage

We use experimental stock markets to add more evidence that Black's [1976. Proceedings of the 1976 Meeting of the Business and Economic Statistics Section. American Statistical Association, pp. 177–181] leverage effect in financial markets does not necessarily stem from the financial leverage of the firm. We surprisingly find a large number of markets in which the leverage…

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English / 27/01/2009

Asymmetric multivariate normal mixture GARCH

An asymmetric multivariate generalization of the recently proposed class of normal mixture GARCH models is developed. Issues of parametrization and estimation are discussed. Conditions for covariance stationarity and the existence of the fourth moment are derived, and expressions for the dynamic correlation structure of the process are provided. In an application to stock market…

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English / 09/01/2009

Young measure flow as a model for damage

Models for hysteresis in continuum mechanics are studied that rely on a time-discretised quasi-static evolution of Young measures akin to a gradient flow. The main feature of this approach is that it allows for local, rather than global minimisation. In particular, the case of a non-coercive elastic energy density of Lennard-Jones type is investigated. The approach is used to…

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English / 01/01/2009

Look-ahead benchmark bias in portfolio performance evaluation

Performance of investment managers is predominantly evaluated against targeted benchmarks, such as stock, bond or commodity indices. However, most professional databases
do not retain timeseries for companies that disappeared, and do not necessarily track the change of constitution in these benchmarks. Consequently, standard tests of performance suffer from the “look-ahead…

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English / 01/01/2009

Cash sub-additive risk measures and interest rate ambiguity

A new class of risk measures called cash sub-additive risk measures is introduced to assess the risk of future financial, nonfinancial and insurance positions. The debated cash additive axiom is relaxed into the cash sub-additive axiom to preserve the original difference between the numeraire of the current reserve amounts and future positions. Consequently, cash sub-additive risk…

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English / 01/01/2009

Pension Fund Governance: Eine rechtlich-ökonomische Analyse des Stiftungsrates und der Anreize in Pensionskassen

Die zweckmässige Leitung einer Pensionskasse ist von grosser Bedeutung. Anforderungen an die Stiftungsräte dienen dazu, eine wirksame Pension Fund Governance zu gewährleisten; ebenso ist die Einführung von guten Anreizstrukturen empfehlenswert, damit die Organe der Pensionskasse ihre Verantwortung wahrnehmen.

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Deutsch / 01/01/2009

Schweizer Private Banking Kunden - Eine Kundenbefragung mit speziellem Fokus auf die Kundenberatung im Internet

Vermögende Kunden weisen eine ausgeprägte Wertschätzung für persönliche Anlageberatung auf. Dies zeigt eine repräsentative Studie des Institutes für schweizerisches Bankenwesen der Universität Zürich. Befragt wurden Schweizer Private Banking Kunden sowie Kundenberater und Exponenten des Managements Schweizer Vermögensverwalter. Allerdings geht aus der Studie auch hervor, dass sich…

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English / 01/01/2009

Attitudes and behaviour in everyday finance: evidence from Switzerland

Purpose – In order to classify individuals based on their needs, this paper aims to consider both self-stated attitudes and behaviours in a comprehensive range of daily financial affairs. Furthermore, it aims to study the impacts of socio-demographic variables such as gender, age, and education.

Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was answered by 1,282 respondents in…

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English / 01/01/2009

CHICAGO: A fast and accurate method for portfolio risk calculation

This paper shows how independent component analysis can be used to estimate the generalized orthogonal GARCH model in a fraction of the time otherwise required. The proposed method is a two-step procedure, separating the estimation of the correlation structure from that of the univariate dynamics, thus facilitating the incorporation of non-Gaussian innovations distributions in a…

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English / 01/01/2009

Assessing and improving the performance of nearly efficient unit root tests in small samples

The development of unit root tests continues unabated, with many recent contributions using techniques such as generalized least squares (GLS) detrending and recursive detrending to improve the power of the test. In this article, the relation between the seemingly disparate tests is demonstrated by algebraically nesting all of them as ratios of quadratic forms in normal variables. By…

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English / 01/01/2009

Prospect theory and mean-variance analysis: Does it make a difference in wealth management?

We show that prospect theory is a valuable paradigm for wealth management. It describes well how investors perceive
risk and with appropriate modeling it can be made consistent with rational decision making. Moreover, it can be
represented in a simple reward-risk diagram so that the main ideas are easily communicated to clients. Finally, we
show on data from a large…

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English / 01/01/2009


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