Publications des institutions partenaires

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Do real exchange rate appreciations matter for growth?

While the impact of exchange rate changes on economic growth has long been an issue of key importance in international macroeconomics, it has received renewed attention in recent years, owing to weaker growth rates and the debate on “currency wars”. However, in spite of its prevalence in the policy debate, the connection between real exchange rates and growth remains an unsettled…

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English / 04/04/2014

The motivation and impact of organized public resistance against agricultural biotechnology

Fifteen years of experience with the commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) corps and countless national and international risk assessments of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) suggest that the risks related to this new technology are not any different from those already known in conventional agriculture. Despite these reassuring findings, public distrust toward GMOs…

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English / 28/03/2014

The influence of pension funds on corporate governance

Although pension funds have gained importance in the last two decades, their role has not been described in detail by economic models. This article focuses on the scope of these institutional investors when they are not satisfied with a management team of a company in which the pension fund holds a block of shares. Stock holdings by pension funds are largely dispersed. Therefore, any…

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English / 28/03/2014

The (lack of) impact of impact: why impact evaluations seldom lead to evidence-based policymaking

A recurring puzzle to many academics and some policymakers is why impact evaluations, which have become something of a cottage industry in the development field, have so little impact on actual policymaking. In this paper, I study the impact of impact evaluations. I show, in a simple Bayesian framework embedded within a standard contest success function-based model of competition…

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English / 19/03/2014

Unternehmen, Menschenrechte und Global Governance: Zur Umsetzung von Compliance auf Unternehmensebene

Wie die Unternehmenspraxis zeigt, greifen Compliance und CSR ineinander und werden regelmäßig gemeinsam betrachtet. Der Tagungsband vereint die aktuelle Diskussion dieser Themen, indem er die Idee von Compliance mit geltendem Recht mit der Forderung nach freiwilliger Mehrverantwortung im Sinne von CSR zusammenführt und die aktuellen Fragestellungen der Unternehmenspraxis mit der…

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Deutsch / 01/02/2014

Private provision of public goods and asset prices

In capitalist societies it is the role of the state to establish the preconditions that promote societal well-being through proper functioning markets.
On the other hand enterprises have a right to provide goods and services in return for private profit. This sharp contrast between government and corporate responsibilities is created by a theoretical idealized first-best world…

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English / 01/01/2014

Resistance to agricultural biotechnology: The importance of distinguishing between weak and strong public attitudes

Empirical research shows that European governments and retailers are unlikely to be directly punished by taxpayers and consumers if they move away from their anti-GMO positions and policies. However, it is ultimately not the weak attitudes of taxpayers and consumers that matter to governments and retailers but the strong attitudes of the noisy anti-biotech movement.

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English / 01/10/2013

Voluntary corporate climate initiatives and regulatory loom: Batten down the hatches

King and Lenox (2001) argued that “when does it pay to be green” might be a more important question for firms than whether it pays at all. We present an event study that suggests that it pays in the tangible presence of regulatory pressure, depending on how well the chosen scheme to become green fits with the threatened regulatory design. To this end, we exploit the unexpected…

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English / 01/10/2013

Schein und Sein im öffentlichen Diskurs um die Grüne Gentechnik

Seit der ersten kommerziellen Einführung einer Gentechpflanze im Jahre 1996 ist einiges passiert, sowohl in den Medien wie auch auf dem Feld. Mittlerweile werden gentechnisch veränderte Nutzpflanzen weltweit von 17,3 Mio. Bauern auf einer Fläche von 170 Mio. Hektaren angebaut. 90 % dieser Bauern sind Kleinbauern in Indien und anderen Entwicklungsländern, die insbesondere von der…

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Deutsch / 06/09/2013

Synthesizing a giant literature: a narrative of quantitative evidence on causes and consequences of financial sector development

The aim of this synthesis paper is to provide a narrative to the empirical findings of the comprehensive literature review concerning the quantitative effects of financial development on economic growth and employment and various determinants of financial sector development. The literature review has been restricted mostly to high-quality academic research that focus on developing…

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English / 13/08/2013

Strategic sustainability and financial performance: Exploring abnormal returns

The ongoing empirical debate about whether SRI is associated, if anything, with subpar or surpassing financial performance is characterized by a somewhat indistinct focus and the infeasibility of tapping the full potential of existing models. By indistinct focus, we mean an analysis based on an aggregation of a myriad of SRI factors that potentially affect a firm’s financial…

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English / 01/07/2013

Sustainability and risk in real estate investments: combining monte carlo simulation and dcf

This paper identifies the relative contribution of sustainability criteria to property value risk. We use a discounted cash flow (DCF) model to assess the effect of a given set of 42 sustainability sub-indicators on property value. The anticipated demand for each sustainability sub-indicator is described by four future states of nature. Their impact on costs and/or revenue is…

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English / 01/06/2013

Do Private Standards encourage or hinder trade and innovation?

Humankind shares a common interest in the safety of the products it uses and consumes and an increasing interest in the way the product has been produced. In a globalized world, private standards play a role in ensuring the safety and sustainability of products and production methods. The co-management of the public good ‘food safety’ by the public and the private sector is not new…

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English / 01/06/2013

Nachhaltigkeit in Franken und Rappen

Bei Investitionsentscheidungen ist nicht nur die Rendite von Interesse, sondern auch das Risiko. Dies gilt bei Aktien- genauso wie bei Immobilienanlagen. Die Diskussion um Nachhaltigkeit ist u.a. geprägt vom Wunsch, Gutes zu tun. Aus Sicht von Unternehmen spielt dies im Zusammenhang mit Corporate Social Responsiblity eine wichtige Rolle. Aus Investitionssicht steht allerdings die…

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Deutsch / 29/05/2013

Public debt and economic growth: is there a causal effect?

This paper uses an instrumental variable approach to study whether public debt has a causal effect on economic growth in a sample of OECD countries. The results are consistent with the existing literature that has found a negative correlation between debt and growth. However, the link between debt and growth disappears once we instrument debt with a variable that captures valuation…

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English / 21/05/2013


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