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Saving by default: evidence from a field experiment in India

A growing share of the world population is getting access to a formal bank account. This allows a move from cash to account based payments. Grounding our hypothesis in behavioral economics, we conjecture that being paid on an account instead of in cash can play a major role in encouraging savings. When paid on the account, the money is saved by default, while - as long as payments…

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English / 01/04/2015

Rendite- und Risiko-Kennzahlen für Immobilien aus Nachhaltigkeitssicht

Die neue Veröffentlichung des CCRS gibt einen Überblick über bewährte und neuere Rendite- und Risikokennzahlen für Immobilien und beurteilt sie aus Nachhaltigkeitssicht. Herausgegeben wird sie gemeinsam mit RICS Switzerland und dem Verband der Immobilieninvestoren sowie Immobilien Basel-Stadt, Migros-Pensionskasse, Liegenschaftenverwaltung Stadt Zürich, SUVA, Swisscanto und Zürcher…

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Deutsch / 01/04/2015

Ursachen von Preisvolatilität auf Agrarmärkten

Was sind die Ursachen hoher Preisvolatilität auf den globalen Agrarmärkten? In der öffentlichen Diskussion wird oft die «Finanzialisierung» des Agrarhandels für die stark schwankenden Nahrungsmittelpreise verantwortlich gemacht. Dabei wird übersehen, dass Preisbewegungen primär auf Veränderungen der Verfügbarkeit von global handelbaren Nahrungsmitteln zurückzuführen sind. Diese…

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Deutsch / 01/03/2015

Unexpected pricing-to-market in goods classified as homogeneous

This paper uses cross-country, firm-level, panel data to study how exporters from Low Income Countries (LICs) adjust their prices according to their trade partners’ characteristics. The results show that the free on board (fob) price of exports is differentiated across markets in all countries in the sample. This differentiated pricing is not commonly associated with small economies…

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/ 23/02/2015

Making agricultural innovation systems (AIS) work for development in tropical countries

Agricultural innovation in low-income tropical countries ontributes to a more effective and sustainable use of natural resources and reduces hunger and poverty through economic development in rural areas. Yet, despite numerous recent public and private initiatives to develop capacities for agricultural innovation, such in itiatives are often not well aligned with national efforts…

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English / 13/01/2015

Corporate governance in a risk society

Under conditions of growing interconnected- ness of the global economy, more and more stakeholders are exposed to risks and costs resulting from business activities that are neither regulated nor compensated for by means of national governance. The changing distribution of risks poses a threat to the legitimacy of business firms that normally derive their legitimacy from operating in…

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English / 01/01/2015

Socially responsible investing and stock performance: New empirical evidence for the US and European stock markets

This paper empirically examines the theoretically ambivalent relationship between socially responsible investing (SRI) and stock performance. It contributes to the existing literature by considering both the US and the entire European stock markets and by using consistent world-wide corporate sustainability performance data. Our portfolio analysis from 1998 to 2009 is based on the…

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English / 01/11/2014

The origins and resolution of debt crises: it is not always fiscal!

This paper shows that debt crises do not always have a fiscal nature and suggests that fiscal retrenchment may not be the optimal response to a crisis that did not originate from irresponsible fiscal policies. The paper starts by discussing the origin of debt crises and the unexplained part of public debt and for avoiding debt explosions linked to financial crises or poor debt…

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English / 20/10/2014

The State, socialization, and private schooling: when will governments support alternative producers?

Understanding the institutional features that can improve learning outcomes and reduce inequality is a top priority for international and development organizations around the world. Economists appear to have a good case for support to non-governmental alternatives as suppliers of schooling. However, unlike other policy domains, freer international trade or privatization, economists…

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English / 16/10/2014

Procurement of goods and services by international organisations in donor countries

This article examines the procurement of goods and services by multilateral organisations from suppliers, based on a panel data including industrialised countries and emerging economies over 11 years. It presents the results of an empirical study – the first of its kind – on the explanatory factors of variations between countries, which are mainly attributable to such factors as the…

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English / 15/10/2014

International capital flows under dispersed private information

It is well established that private information is critical to our understanding of asset prices. In this paper we argue that it also affects international capital flows and use a simple two-country DSGE model to illustrate its impact. We show that private information (i) increases the volatility of both net and gross capital flows, (ii) leads to a high correlation between capital…

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English / 14/10/2014

Nachhaltigkeit und Risiken bei Immobilieninvestitionen : Konzepte und Entscheidungsgrundlagen für die Praxis

Viele Entscheidungen im Zusammenhang mit Immobilien sind im Kern Investitionsentscheidungen. Wie bei jeder Kapitalanlage sind für dabei Rendite und Risiko als Entscheidungskriterien einzubeziehen. Zur Beurteilung der Rentabilität stehen heute eine Vielzahl von Methoden und Verfahren zur Verfügung. Zur Beurteilung der mit Immobilieninvestitionen verbundenen Risiken fehlen jedoch…

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Deutsch / 01/09/2014

Embracing ambiguity – lessons from the study of corporate social responsibility throughout the rise and decline of the modern welfare state

In the work of Karl Polanyi, the negative effects of a self-regulating market economy are described as being limited by societal forces such as the policies of the welfare state. With the decline of the modern welfare state since the late 1970s, social activities of business firms are increasingly regarded as an important complement to or even as a substitute for welfare state…

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English / 01/07/2014

The principle of common concern and climate change

Effective policies combating global warming and incentivising reduction of greenhouse gases face fundamental collective action problems. States defending short term interests avoid international commitments and seek to benefit from measures combating global warming taken elsewhere. The paper explores the potential of Common Concern as an emerging principle of international law, in…

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English / 01/06/2014

Kaffee, Kakao, Bananen: Gut und Böse sind nicht mehr so klar verteilt

Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft wird in Wohlstandgesellschaften wie der unseren gerne mit der Förderung von Bio und Fair Trade in Verbindung gebracht. Kaum jemand kennt jedoch Standards der Nachhaltigkeit wie Rainforest Alliance, UTZ (Umwelt- und Sozialbestimmungen), SA8000 (Arbeiterschutz) oder Technoserve (Armutsbekämpfung durch Ermächtigung zum Unternehmertum). Bei diesen Labels sollen…

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Deutsch / 11/05/2014

Minimum wage and firm employment: evidence from China

This paper studies how minimum wage policies affect firm employment in China using a unique county level minimum wage data set matched to disaggregated firm survey data. We investigate both the effect of imposing a minimum wage, and the effect of the policies that tightened enforcement in 2004. We find that the average effect of minimum wage changes is modest and positive, and that…

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English / 24/04/2014


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