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Hintermann, Christian; Cloughesy, Kevin; Laamanen, Tomi; Isenring-Szabó, Kata Julianna & Zeidan, Jasmin: Clarity on Performance of Swiss Private Banks - Bigger is better in the quest for success. Zurich, Switzerland : KPMG AG Schweiz, 2019.

Swiss banks continue to rely excessively on financial markets. While good performances in 2017 were heavily driven by the positive market environment, a more challenging 2018 has exposed how weak banks really are. Most have made insufficient progress to enhance business and operating models or to adapt strategies and set ups to ensure sustainable success. If markets take a downturn,…

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/ 30/04/2020

Brühwiler Häusermann, Claudia Franziska: Jeffrey Israel. Living with Hate in American Politics and Religion: How Popular Culture Can Defuse Intractable Differences. 9 (2020), 2, S. 345-347.

Review of Jeffrey Israel. Living with Hate in American Politics and Religion: How Popular Culture Can Defuse Intractable Differences

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/ 24/04/2020

Meynhardt, Timo: Der Osten kann die Corona-Krise besser meistern als der Westen. In: Leipziger Volkszeitung (2020), 4336712973,

Wer die Wende von 1989 gemeistert habe, besitze genau jene Transformationskompetenz, die jetzt gefragt sei, sagt Timo Meynhardt von der Leipziger Manager-Schmiede HHL. Er sieht in der Pandemie aber auch eine Chance zur Annäherung.

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/ 22/04/2020

Brühwiler, Claudia Franziska: Reading Maxwell in Time of Pandemic [Blog]. URL: <> . (17 April 2020).

We often read in order to understand, but sometimes we read in order to cope. And nearly always, we need to understand in order to cope.

“Coping” is arguably one of the most used verbs these days, heard as frequently as wishes for good health and safety. The books we pick up in order to cope with the current crisis sometimes reflect a desire to escape, a desire that might be…

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/ 17/04/2020

Flexible Gewinnsteuersätze.

Hongler, Peter & Opel, Andrea
Flexible Gewinnsteuersätze.
Steuer Revue,

ISSN 1424-0025

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/ 02/04/2020

Meynhardt, Timo: Europäische Werte und gute Führung: Rollendistanz wagen. In Flick, Corinne Michaela (ed.): Der Wert Europas in einer bedeutsameren Weltgeschichte. Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2020, S. 93-110.

Meynhardt, Timo: Europäische Werte und gute Führung: Rollendistanz wagen. In Flick, Corinne Michaela (ed.): Der Wert Europas in einer bedeutsameren Weltgeschichte. Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2020, S. 93-110.

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/ 08/03/2020

Murmann, Johann P.: THE MANAGEMENT TRANSFORMATION OF HUAWEI: AN OVERVIEW. In The Management Transformation of Huawei From Humble Beginnings to Global Leadership. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020, S. 1-51.

This introductory chapter offers an overview of the entire book on the management transformation of Huawei. Huawei is now China’s most prominent multinational company and a leader in 5G mobile telephone technology, which will be rolled out across the world in the next few years. What makes Huawei interesting is its rate of growth and the level of detail in which we can observe not…

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/ 29/02/2020

Meynhardt, Timo; Jasinenko, Anna & Grubert, Thorben (2019) Die Gemeinwohl-Bilanz auf dem Prüfstand der Bevölkerung: empirische Überprüfung der demokratischen Legitimation der Gemeinwohl-Bilanz. zfwu Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 20/2019 (3). 406-426. ISSN 1439-880X

Die Gemeinwohl-Bilanz ist ein Instrument zur Messung des Gemeinwohlbeitrages von Unternehmen. Mithilfe einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Studie in Deutschland nähern wir uns der Frage nach der demokratischen Legitimation des Gemeinwohlverständnisses dieser Bilanz. Insgesamt spiegeln sich die Grundzüge des Gemeinwohlverständnisses auch in der deutschen Bevölkerung wider, doch bestehen…

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/ 23/02/2020

Meynhardt, Timo (2020) Purpose ist kein Gutmenschentum. Harvard Business manager, Februar 2020 28-33. ISSN 0174-335X

Mitarbeiter wollen heute mehr denn je wissen, wofür ihr Arbeitgeber steht. Was müssen Unternehmen tun, um diese Erwartung zu erfüllen? Ein Gespräch mit dem Leipziger Managementprofessor Timo Meynhardt über die richtige Wortwahl, ein neues Führungsmodell und das beste Purpose-Statement Deutschlands.

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/ 20/02/2020

Takacs, Fabian; Frankenberger, Karolin & Stechow, Richard: Circular Ecosystems: Business Model Innovation for the Circular Economy. , 2020,

By design, waste and other negative environmental impacts have become an integral part of our industrialised consumer society. The circular economy (CE) is a way to move away from the linearity of our current industrial and economic systems. The aim of a CE is to keep products, components and materials at their maximum utility and value at all times. The present article provides an…

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/ 23/01/2020

Frankenberger, Karolin: Digitalisierung I, Digitalisierung II. 14./15. Dezember 2019 (2019),

Frankenberger, Karolin: Digitalisierung I, Digitalisierung II. 14./15. Dezember 2019 (2019),

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/ 17/12/2019

Implementing Key BEPS Actions: Where Do We Stand? (Chapter 34: Switzerland).

Hongler, Peter:
Implementing Key BEPS Actions: Where Do We Stand? (Chapter 34: Switzerland).

Implementing Key BEPS Actions: Where Do We Stand?.
Amsterdam :
S. 853-872.

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/ 03/12/2019

Meynhardt, Timo: The doctrine of the measure and moderation reloaded: a visionless vision. In The multiple futures of capitalism. Wallstein Verlag, 2019,

Meynhardt, Timo: The doctrine of the measure and moderation reloaded: a visionless vision. In The multiple futures of capitalism. Wallstein Verlag, 2019,

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/ 22/11/2019

Meynhardt, Timo: Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientierter Medien Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. 3/2019 (2019), S. 45-47.

Meynhardt, Timo: Zur Ökonomie gemeinwohlorientierter Medien Massenkommunikation in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. 3/2019 (2019), S. 45-47.

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/ 22/11/2019

Stonig, Joachim & Müller-Stewens, Günter (2019) Navigating the Challenges of Ecosystem Emergence: A Multi-Level Review of Leader and Complementor Strategies. Die Unternehmung, 73 (4). 288-307. ISSN 0042-059X

Business ecosystems are currently transforming many established sectors. Understanding how ecosystems emerge and influence strategic outcomes is thus an important concern for academics and managers of incumbent firms alike. Ecosystems result from configuration processes where an ecosystem leader aligns multiple independent but complementary organizations to offer an integrated…

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/ 21/11/2019

Boemelburg, Raphael; Zimmermann, Alexander & Palmié, Maximilian: Learning paradox: Antecedents and mechanisms of paradox mindset development.

Organizations face multiple conflicting requirements such as exploration versus exploitation (March, 1991), profit versus social responsibility (Margolis & Walsh, 2003) or collaboration versus control (Sundaramurthy & Lewis, 2003). As complexity, global competition and fast-paced technological cycles gain prevalence, these tensions are becoming increasingly salient (Lewis,…

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/ 08/11/2019


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