Publications des institutions partenaires

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Open innovation in the financial services sector: : a global literature review

Despite the fact that it could help to overcome the current global financial crisis, the concept of open innovation is only very scarcely applied in the financial services sector. This international literature review covering the past decade provides an overview of the relevant body of literature on this topic. Two questions represent the starting point of this work: (1) Why is open…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 27/08/2015

Luxe: : la lente émergence des marques horlogères chinoises

Des sociétés comme Fiyta sortent des complications de plus en plus prestigieuses et visent à termes à bousculer les marques suisses de luxe. Leur offensive reste cependant très graduelle. En attendant, elles rachètent patiemment savoir-faire et marques suisses… Analyse.

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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Français / 18/08/2015

On scope effects in contingent valuation: : does the statistical distributional assumption matter ?

In this paper, we test for scope effects in Contingent Valuation applying different distributional assumptions for WTP, a non-parametric estimation and an estimation based on an open-ended format. Mean WTP is sensitive to the distributional assumption, but so is the scope effect. The nonparametric model, without conditions on the distribution, is the best able to identify scope…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 18/08/2015


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