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Using binding communication to promote conservation among hotel guests

This research applies the binding communication model to the sustainable communication strategies implemented in most hotels. The binding communication model links a persuasive messag e with the implementation of a low-cost commitment to strengthen the link between the attitudes and behavior o f those receiving the message. We compared the effectiveness of a classical communication…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 01/10/2015

Only time will tell: : the changing relationships between LMX, job performance and justice

Although it has been argued that leader–member exchange (LMX) is a phenomenon that develops over time, the existing LMX literature is largely cross-sectional in nature. Yet, there is a great need for unraveling how LMX develops over time. To address this issue in the LMX literature, we examine the relationships of LMX with 2 variables known for changing over time: job performance and…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 01/10/2015

Determining guests’ willingness to pay for hotel room attributes with a discrete choice model

Hotel managers need to understand the marginal utility customers associate with a specific attribute ofa hotel in order to effectively set up rate fences and to price their rooms accordingly. This study adopteda stated choice experiment and discrete choice modeling method to obtain hotel guests’ willingness topay (WTP) for a specific set of room attributes within a single hotel…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 01/10/2015

Organizational aspects of business model innovation: : the case of the european postal industry

Adopting alternative business models is one way for mature businesses to generate new growth. Several studies have addressed some of the organizational barriers that incumbents face when developing such new business models, but our understanding of the organizational (re)design aspects inherent to business model innovation is still very incomplete. In this study, we investigate the…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 25/09/2015

Investor motivation in crowdfunding: : helping self or helping others

This paper contributes to explain why individuals provide monetary support to entrepreneurs in globally remote areas , via crowdfunding . There is an established literature on prosocial behavior, which explains the individual’s need for helping and other voluntary…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 25/09/2015

Mes idées, le marché et moi: : une analyse de l’impact du feedback du marché sur l’évaluation commerciale et l’identification cognitive des individus avec leurs idées

Cette étude a pour objet les mécanismes psychologiques basés sur l'identité, afin de comprendre comment ils influencent les entrepreneur s en devenir dans la phase de transition entre la créativité et l’entrepreneuriat . Plus précisément, le présent article constitue une étude quantitative de la manière dont les perceptions individuelles des idées d’…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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Français / 24/09/2015

Fostering radical innovation with bootlegging

In order to improve their innovation outputs, companies ar e trying to harness their employees’ creativity in more systematic ways. Bootlegging is known to be a way employees exert their creativity secretly in the organizations they work for by pursuing innovation projects on their own and without managerial control . This research studies bootlegging projects at BMW, the German…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 24/09/2015

Conditions de travail des entrepreneurs et facteurs risques pour la santé: : l'impact de la gestion du personnel : situation en Suisse. Analyse secondaire des données d'une enquête représentative à l'échelle nationale

La situation de travail des entrepreneurs, dirigeants de PME, travailleurs indépendants, est souvent présenté e comme caractérisée par une large autonomie de décision, une liberté dans le choix des activités, une flexibilité au niveau de la gestion du temps, la possibilité de développer ses connaissances et ses compétences. C’est par exemple ainsi que la carrière…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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Français / 24/09/2015

European SME internationalization and distant markets: : exploring business development facilitation through east asian global cities, the case of Tokyo

Objectives: Most European internationalized SMEs operate within Europe as their first destination. North American and East Asian markets are their 2nd and 3 rd export destinations. Since early 21 st century, East Asia has overtaken North America in m any sectors. This paper covers the first segment of a 2014-16 research project exploring how East…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 24/09/2015

Politiques de développement de l'entrepreneuriat par la microfinance: : importance ou négligence du capital social ?

Un volet de la microfinance est destiné à stimuler la création d’activités micro - entrepreneuriales génératrices d’emplois et de revenus parmi les couches sociales défavorisées dans les pays en développement. Comme les études entrepreneuriales accordent un e certaine importance à l’organisation de la société et notamment au capital social, cette communication s’interroge sur le…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

Français / 24/09/2015

Internationalisation des PME et accès aux marchés émergents asiatiques: : étude du rôle de facilitation des villes globales

Cette communication est la première production scientifique d’un projet de recherche 2014 - 2017 portant sur l’internationalisation des PME et l’attractivité des marchés émergents asiatiques. Le projet pose comme hypothèse que les villes asiati ques figurant au classement mondial des 75 cités dites globales (global cities) jouent un rôle important d’intermédiation dans le…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 24/09/2015

Your idea is also mine (now)!: : psychological ownership and identification with ideas in organizations

In order to succeed in today’s business environment, organizations face the challenge of not only coming up with creative ideas, but also developing the most promising ones faster and more effectively than the competition. This typically involves different people working at different stages of the creativity and innovation process and also requires their collect ive support. As a…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 24/09/2015


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