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Effective Trust Management- An Evidence-based Practitioner‘s Guideline on how to Enable Stakeholders‘ Trust in Institutions

This infographic targets the debate on the dichotomy of trust and distrust, arguing in favor of trust and distrust being two seperate constructs, hence are not two opposite ends of the same continuum. Further, this infographic shows, that trust and distrust have different antecedents, distinct properties and disparate outcomes.

Given this, this infographic further summarizes…

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English / 09/11/2017

Digitalization Decisions at the Board Level

In the digital era, the board of directors has an additional task: information governance. While storing data is no longer the problem, handling the data is. At the strategic management level, decisions have to be made as to the processes, organizational measures, and technologies required to actively manage the data throughout its life cycle in compliance with external and internal…

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English / 01/01/2017

Touchstone of Trust inside Organizations: Antecedents of high-trust manager-employee relationships

Using qualitative and set theoretic methods, we target cognitive processes of why managers install high-trust relationships with their employees, focusing on the leap of faith as the irra-tional touchstone of such trust relationships. In a first step we ‘open the managers’ heads’, as results of our semi-structured expert-interviews reveal five cues prompting them to leap: (1)…

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English / 16/11/2016

Trust Processes in the Eye of the Storm: How Do We Cope with Salient Vulnerability?

Disruptive change has become a trademark of the post-financial crisis era. Many organisations are facing extremely challenging austerity-based situations, affecting and disrupting their business model and their institutional logic, and leaving employees vulnerable to job threat. The UK public sector is a particular case in point as it has already faced a series of dramatic budget…

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English / 07/07/2016

Bring Your Own Device - Wie man den Einsatz privater mobiler Geräte im beruflichen Umfeld gestaltet, damit er nicht zum "Bring Your Own Desaster" wird

BYOD ist die geschäftliche Nutzung eines mobilen privaten Gerätes. Der Nutzeffekt von Privatgeräten am Arbeitsplatz ist unbestritten. Gleichzeitig gilt es, die Sicherheit und Informationsgüter sowie die Privatsphäre der Arbeitnehmer zu gewährleisten. Dazu werden immer öfter entsprechende Nutzungs­richtlinien festgelegt. Ist in gewissen Branchen die Datensicherheit sehr wichtig, ist…

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English / 01/01/2016

Liability Issues Concerning Self-Driving Vehicles

This article deals with the civil liability issues that arise when self-driving vehicles are admitted to our streets. Firstly, it is explained why strict liability regimes for the vehicle holder, which are in place in several jurisdictions across Europe, are a workable foundation for ensuring compensation of the victim. However, accidents caused by highly automated vehicles will…

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English / 01/02/2015

Risk Management at Board Level : A Practical Guide for Board Members

Risk Management today has moved from being the topic of top level conferences and media discussions to being a permanent issue in the board and top management agenda. Several new directives and regulations in Switzerland, Germany and EU make it obligatory for the firms to have a risk management strategy and transparently disclose the risk management process to their stakeholders.…

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English / 01/01/2015

A behavioral economics perspective on the overjustification effect: Crowding-in and crowding-out of intrinsic motivation.

In the last two decades, economic motivation research has undergone a paradigm shift when it comes to the effect of incentive schemes on individual performance and motivation. Inspired by self-determination theory, a new branch in economics evolved called behavioral economics. Especially by evidencing the negative effect of “pay-for-performance” on intrinsic motivation, called the “…

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English / 01/01/2014

Exploring the theatrical experience: Results from an empirical investigation

The article aims at explaining visitors’ overall judgment of a theatrical event. A questionnaire was constructed including the 4 dimensions of the theatrical experience identified by Eversmann (2004): perceptual, cognitive, emotional, and communicative. The authors investigated 125 visitors of a production in a German community theater and confirmed that both the emotional and…

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English / 01/01/2010

The Impact of Direct Democracy on Society - Dissertation No. 3074

This doctoral thesis discusses the impact of direct legislation on society in Switzerland, particularly on the areas 'redistribution of income', 'life satisfaction', 'education', and 'public safety'. The influence of direct democracy at the cantonal level is explored through empirical analyses of synthetic panels and individual data (Swiss…

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English / 01/01/2005

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