Publications des institutions partenaires

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Rainfall shocks, resilience, and the effects of crop biodiversity on agroecosystem productivity

This paper investigates the dynamic effects of rainfall shocks on agroecosystems productivity. The analysis estimates a panel data model of cereal production in southern Italy. It documents the adverse effects of a reduction in rainfall on the agroecosystem productivity both in the short run and the long run. It investigates how increasing the level of spatial crop diversity can…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Insuring a risky investment project

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Landlockedness, Infrastructure and Trade:New Estimates for Central Asian Countries

This paper assesses the impact of internal infrastructure and landlockedness on Central Asian trade. The impact of landlockedness on Central Asian's trade costs is split into several components, using a panel gravity equation estimated on a large sample of countries (167 countries over 1992-2004). Our findings highlight that an improvement in the own infrastructure of Central…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2008

Estimation of quantile treatment effects with STATA

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News: This paper will be published by the Stata Journal soon. Therefore, it can nolonger be downloaded from this page.
In this paper, we discuss the implementation of various…

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English / 01/01/2008

Unconditional quantile treatment effects under endogeneity

This paper develops IV estimators for unconditional quantile treatment effects (QTE) when the treatment selection is endogenous. In contrast to conditional QTE, i.e. the effects conditional on a large number of covariates X, the unconditional QTE summarize the effects of a treatment for the entire population. They are usually of most interest in policy evaluations because the results…

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English / 01/01/2008

Privatization and Changes in the Wage Structure - Evidence from Firm Personnel Records

We investigate the wage effects of privatization using person-level firm-based panel datasets from one privatized and one nonprivatized public sector firm in the same country for the years immediately before and after privatization. Thus, we can analyze the before-after effects of privatization while controlling for individual and time fixed effects and allowing for firm-specific…

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English / 01/01/2008

The Performance of Funds of Hedge Funds: Do Experience and Size Matter?

This paper is the first to use quantile regression to analyze the impact of experience and size of funds of hedge funds (FHFs) on performance. In comparison to OLS regression, quantile regression provides a more detailed picture of the influence of size and experience on FHF return behaviour. Hence, it allows us to study the relevance of these factors for various return and risk…

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English / 01/01/2008

Matching Estimation of Dynamic Treatment Models : Some Practical Issues

Lechner and Miquel (2001) approached the causal analysis of sequences of interventions from a potential outcome perspective based on selection on observable type of assumptions (sequential conditional independence assumptions). Lechner (2004) proposed matching estimators for this framework. However, many practical issues that might have substantial consequences for interpretation of…

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English / 01/01/2008

Parametric Binary Choice Models

This paper discusses the estimation of binary choice panel data models. We begin with different versions of the static random effects model when the explanatory variables are strictly exogenous. Depending on the autocorrelation structure of the errors, different
estimators are available and we detail their attractiveness in each situation by trading-off their efficiency and…

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English / 01/01/2008

Effects of the onset of an adverse health condition on the retirement decision of European workers

This paper estimates the effect of experiencing the onset of an adverse health condition on the retirement decision of European workers. Conditional on institutional characteristics (country and individual dependent) and a selection of socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the individual, we are able to net out the effect of health conditions that occur before the decision…

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English / 01/01/2008

A Life-cycle model of human capital formation and educational choices in developing economies

In impoverished societies a shock to the household's resources often results in a decision to reduce the contemporaneous investment on children's education. Although such shocks may be transitory in nature they could lead to permanent long run effects in terms of reduced human capital for future generations thus further enhancing a state of deprivation. This paper models…

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English / 01/01/2008

The Curse and Blessing of Training the Unemployed in a Changing Economy : The Case of East Germany after Unification

We analyse the effects of government-sponsored training for the unemployed conducted during East German transition. For the microeconometric analysis, we use a new, large and informative administrative database that allows us to use matching methods to address potential selection bias, to study different types of programmes, and to observe labour market outcomes over 8 years. We find…

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English / 01/11/2007

A Note on the Relation of Weighting and Matching Estimators

This paper compares the inverse-probability-of-selection-weighting estimation principle with the matching principle and derives conditions for weighting and matching to identify the same and the true distribution, respectively. This comparison improves the understanding of the relation of these estimation principles and allows constructing new estimators.

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English / 01/09/2007

Partial Identification of Wage Effects of Training Programs

In an evaluation of a job-training program, the influence of the program on the individual earnings capacity is important, because it reflects the program effect on human capital. Estimating these effects is complicated because earnings are observed for employed individuals only, and employment is itself an outcome of the program. Point identification of these effects can only be…

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English / 31/07/2007

What is the Value Added by Caseworkers?

We investigate the allocation of unemployed individuals to different subprograms within Swiss active labour market policy by the caseworkers at local employment offices in Switzerland in 1998. We are particularly interested in whether the caseworkers allocate the unemployed to services in ways that will maximize the program-induced changes in their employment probabilities. Our…

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English / 01/04/2007

Fiscal Policy Space and Economic Performance: Some Stylized Facts

This paper complements the cross-country approach by examining the correlates of GDP per capita growth acceleration around “significant” public expenditure episodes by reorganizing the data around turning points, or “events”. Here we define (i) a growth event as an increase in average per capita growth of at least 2 percentage points (pp) sustained for 5 years, (ii) fiscal event as…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2007


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