Publications des institutions partenaires

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Cross-cultural differences in norm enforcement

We argue that the lack of large cross-cultural differences in many games with student subjects from developed countries may be due to the games studied. These games tap primarily basic psychological reactions, like fairness, and reciprocity. Once we look at norm-enforcement, in particular punishment, we find large differences even among culturally rather homogeneous student groups…

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English / 01/12/2005

Public-Private Sector Wage Differentials in Germany: Evidence from Quantile Regression

This paper measures and decomposes the differences in earnings distributions between public sector and private sector employees in Germany for the years 1984-2000. Two decomposition methods are used: Oaxaca decomposition using quantile regression and the decomposition proposed by Machado and Mata (2002). Both indicate that the public sector wage premium is highest at the lower end of…

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English / 01/09/2005

Decomposition of differences in distribution using quantile regression

Over the last twenty years, many researchers have attempted to explain the determinants of wage inequality. I propose a flexible, intuitive and semiparametric estimator of distribution functions in the presence of covariates. The conditional wage distribution is estimated by quantile regressions. Then, the conditional distribution is integrated over the range of the covariates to…

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English / 01/08/2005

Social Learning and Voluntary Cooperation among Like-Minded People

Many people contribute to public goods but stop doing so once they experience free riding.We test the hypothesis that groups whose members know that they are composed only of "likeminded" cooperators are able to maintain a higher cooperation level than the most cooperative, randomly composed groups. Our experiments confirm this hypothesis. We also predict that groups of…

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English / 01/04/2005

Market access and welfare under free trade agreements: textiles under NAFTA

The effective market access granted to textiles and apparel under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is estimated, taking into account the presence of rules of origin. First, estimates are provided of the effect of tariff preferences combined with rules of origin on the border prices of Mexican final goods exported to the United States and of U.S. intermediate goods…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

On the Geography of Trade: Distance is Alive and Well

It has been widely argued that, with the decline in trade costs, the importance of distance has declined over time. On the other hand, most gravity models find that the importance of distance on bilateral trade has increased over time. This puzzle is examined here. The paper develops a new measure of the distance of trade (dot) and shows that the dot falls over the period 1962-2000…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

Has distance died? Evidence from a panel gravity model

This paper reports panel gravity estimates of aggregate bilateral trade for 130 countries over the period 1962-96 in which the coefficient of distance is allowed to change over time. In a standard specification in which transport costs are proxied by distance only, it is found paradoxically that the absolute value of the elasticity of bilateral trade to distance has been…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

How Much Market Access in FTAs? Textiles Under NAFTA

This paper estimates the effective market-access granted under NAFTA in textiles and apparel by combining two approaches. First, we estimate the effect of tariff preferences and rules of origin on the border prices of Mexican final goods exported to the US and of US intermediates exported to Mexico. We find that one third of the estimated rise in the border price of Mexican apparel…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2005

Trust, voluntary cooperation, and socio-economic background: Survey and experimental evidence

We report survey and experimental evidence on trust and voluntary cooperation from more than 630 non-student and student participants in rural and urban Russia. Our subjects have a diverse socioeconomic background that we relate to the answers of a survey on trust attitudes and to contribution behavior in a one-shot public goods game. We find that the socio-economic background…

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English / 01/12/2004

European Data Watch - Swiss Unemployment Insurance Micro Data

Administrative data of the unemployment insurance system in Switzerland have been made available by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (seco) for specific research purposes. They contain rich information about unemployed and job seekers. The records are linked to social security data. The combination of the two sources leads to a very rich database. This paper describes…

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English / 01/01/2004

HIV/AIDS knowledge differentials by Geopolitical, Social and Economic Status: Evidence from Surveyed Children in South East Asia

Diskussionspapier, Volkswirtschaftliche Abteilung, Universität St. Gallen#### The HIV/AIDS epidemic is a major public health threat, with evidence showing that information campaigns are effective policy tools to control its evolution. Many of these are designed to increase children's knowledge on HIV before they become sexually active or start to experiment with intravenous…

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English / 01/01/2004

African Regional Agreements: Impact on Trade with or without Currency Unions

The aim of this paper is (i) to assess the impact of regional agreements on members’ trade in Sub-Saharan Africa (intra-regional trade as well as trade with the rest of the world), controlling for the other traditional determinants and (ii) to compare the respective effect of the preferential trade agreements and the currency unions. Considering the period 1962–96, we first assess…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2004

Almost Consistent Estimation of Panel Probit Models with 'Small' Fixed Effects

We propose four different GMM estimators that allow almost consistent estimation of the structural parameters of panel probit models with fixed effects for the case of small T and large N. The moments used are derived for each period from a first order approximation of the mean of the dependent variable conditional on explanatory variables and on the fixed effect. The estimators…

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English / 01/02/2003


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