Publications des institutions partenaires

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Negotiating the Review of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding


On 1 January 1995, the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU) entered into force. Since 1998, negotiations to review and reform the DSU have taken place ('DSU review'), without however yielding any result so far. This study proposes to analyse the DSU review negotiations and the proposals submitted so far.…

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English / 01/01/2006

Corporate Strategy and Political Economy in a World Free of Dumping

Over the last twenty years many countries have enacted and begun using antidumping legislation. These laws seek, amongst other goals, to deter injurious dumping. In this paper I describe some of the consequences for corporate decision-making and for the political economy of reforms if antidumping laws succeed in deterring dumping in the first place. Understanding these potential…

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English / 13/09/2005

Can the WTO Rise to the Challenge of Economic Development?

Looking back over the first four years of negotiation of the Doha Round this paper identifies and discusses a number of factors that are shaping negotiations among WTO members as they try to fulfil the development mandate for this multilateral trade negotiation. These factors are not just diplomatic in nature, indeed many relate to changes in how many view the potential impact of…

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English / 01/09/2005

(Why) Are Economists Different?

After presenting casual evidence of the difference between economists and the rest of the population, I review the survey and experimental evidence on this topic during the last 20 years. I then ask whether these results are applicable to real world situations. To consider this, examples of referenda results in Switzerland are presented where the citizens decided against…

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English / 01/09/2005

Anticompetitive Practices and Liberalising Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean

The last ten years have seen many Latin American and Caribbean nations enact or reform competition laws, and numerous other jurisdictions are considering following suit. The evidential base to guide such policymaking is, however, limited. In this paper we have assembled two databases, one concerning allegations of anti-competitive acts in newspaper articles and another concerning the…

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English / 01/07/2005

Sustainable Fiscal Policy in a Federal System: Switzerland as an Example

How a sustainable fiscal policy can be performed in a federal system is not only a Swiss problem but is also discussed in other federal countries like Germany and Austria, and in the European Union. Contrary to most other countries, the Swiss Fiscal system is characterised by an extensive fiscal federalism with high fiscal autonomy at all govermental levels, by direct popular rights…

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English / 01/07/2005

Is It Culture or Democracy? The Impact of Democracy, Income, and Culture on Happiness

We look at the relation between democracy and perceived subjective well-being, taking also into account the impact of income and culture. After briefly reviewing the empirical results for Switzerland, we re-estimate this relationship allowing for the relative income position of individuals and also using a new more recent data from the Swiss Household Panel. No…

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English / 01/06/2005

On the Rationality of the General Public

Using Allensbach survey data about how people look forward to the coming year, we construct true ex-post forecasts and compare them with the forecasts produced by the German Council of Economic Experts and by the Economic Research Institutes. Then we perform rationality tests for these forecast series. The Allensbach forecasts outperform the professional forecasts in many respects.…

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English / 01/06/2005

The Politicisation of EC Anti-dumping Policy: Member States, Their Votes, and the European Commission

This paper examines one political-economy aspect of the European Communities' (EC) anti-dumping policy that has tended to be overlooked in prior studies; namely, the role that member states play in deciding whether to impose definitive duties on imports that have been found to be dumped and that are deemed to have injured a European industry. We find that, in the late 1990s,…

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English / 01/05/2005

Government procurement : market access, transparency, and multilateral trade rules

This paper examines the effects on national welfare and market access of two public procurement practices, discrimination and nontransparency. Both policies have become prominent in international trade negotiations, including the Doha Round of World Trade Organization (WTO) trade talks. We show that fostering either domestic competition or transparency in state contracting tends to…

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English / 01/03/2005

WTO Dispute Settlement at Ten: Evolution, Experiences, and Evaluation

On 1 January 1995, the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU) entered into force. During its first ten years, the DSU has since been applied to 324 complaints - more cases than dispute settlement under the GATT
1947 had dealt with in nearly five decades. The system is perceived, both by practitioners and in academic literature, to work…

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English / 01/03/2005

"Competitive Liberalization": a Tournament Theory-Based Interpretation

The current U.S. trade policy of "competitive liberalization" includes the following prominent features: stimulating a competition among trading partners for access to U.S. markets; the inclusion of provisions in trade agreements not directly related to market access; and a greater role for foreign and security policy in U.S. trade policymaking than in the past. I adapt the…

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English / 01/01/2005

The Design of Technical Assistance Programs

The work of the Subgroup on Technical Assistance has been focused on the recognition that the expansion of competition law around the world in the past 20 years has meant that capacity building is a central challenge for the vast majority of the International Competition Network's members. Capacity building is a significant endeavor that includes not only the effective…

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English / 01/01/2005

Summary of Participants' Remarks and Recommendations at a World Bank-GTZ sponsored Conference titled "Accession to the WTO: Country Experiences and Technical Assistance

Conference Summary - This summary is organised in the same manner as the sessions of the workshop. The first day of the workshop was devoted to a discussion of four developing countries' experiences with the WTO accession process and to an open panel discussion on the relative merits of potential reforms to the WTO accession process so as to make it more development friendly.…

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English / 01/01/2005

What can we really learn from the competition provisions of regional trade agreements?

Even though members of the World Trade Organization decided not to
negotiate a multilateral framework on competition policy in the context of the Doha Round a growing number of them have agreed to international rules on competition law and policy in regional trade agreements (RTAs). Having summarized the main types of competition provisions in RTAs, this chapter then explores…

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English / 01/01/2005

What is the Relationship between Competition Law and Policy and Economic Development?

What possible contributions to economic development can the appropriate enforcement of competition law make? What harm could result from such enforcement? These two questions are uppermost in the minds of many policymakers, analysts, and scholars as they debate the merits of introducing and then implementing national competition laws. Now that, according to some counts nearly 100…

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English / 01/01/2005


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