Publications des institutions partenaires

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Normal Value in Anti-Dumping Proceedings against China Post-2016: Are Some Animals Less Equal Than Others?

This article attempts to show that from 12 December 2016, WTO Members can no longer use the analogue country or similar methodologies as the basis for normal value calculations in anti-dumping proceedings targeting China and should rather use Chinese domestic prices or costs. However, contrary to what some would like decision-makers to believe, this does not mean that the EU or other…

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English / 01/01/2016

RWebData: A High-Level Interface to the Programmable Web

The rise of the programmable web offers new opportunities for the empirically driven social sciences. The access, compilation and preparation of data from the programmable web for statistical analysis can, however, involve substantial up-front costs for the practical researcher. The R-package RWebData provides a high-level framework that allows data to be easily collected from the…

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English / 01/01/2016

Precise Control Over Legislative Vote Outcomes: A Forensic Approach to Political Economics

We propose a forensic approach to investigate the politico-economic forces that influence narrow vote outcomes in legislative assemblies. Applying nonparametric estimation techniques to a data set covering all roll call votes between 1990 and 2014, we can identify the existence of precise control over legislative vote outcomes in the U.S. House of Representatives. Several pieces of…

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English / 01/01/2016

Characteristics of Tunisian business cycle and international synchronisation

In this paper, we have applied spectral and cross spectral analysis techniques as an alternative approach to characterize the Tunisian business cycle and measure the degree of its international synchronization. As a robustness check, we have applied these techniques to the industrial production (overall and manufacturing IPI) as well as two synthetic indexes: a dynamic factor and a…

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/ 25/11/2015

The transmission mechanism of monetary policy in Vietnam: a VAR approach

This paper analyses monetary transmission mechanism in Vietnam by using a Vector Autoregression (VAR), focusing especially on how the economy dynamically responds money demand, interest rate, exchange rate, and asset price shocks. In this paper, we establish identification conditions to uncover the dynamic effects of monetary policy shocks. By using quarterly data over the period…

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/ 25/11/2015

Institutional quality, cyclicality of macroeconomic policies and the Effects of macroeconomic shocks: evidence from transition economies

In this paper, we study the role of institutional quality in the cyclicality of macroeconomic policies of transition economies. Using annual data over 1996-2013, we find that the quality of institutions play a significant role in their ability to carry out counter-cyclical macroeconomic policy. This paper also analyzes the effects of monetary and fiscal shocks on output. Dividing the…

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/ 18/11/2015

Current account determinants in Central Eastern European countries

This paper empirically investigates the determinants of current accounts for a sample of 11 Central and East European Countries outside the Euro area. To this end we rely on the estimation of a panel VAR model with fixed effects over the period Q1 2005 to Q42014. Consistent with existing literature, we show that domestic GDP, the fiscal deficit, and the real effective exchange rate…

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/ 18/11/2015

The second wave of global liquidity: why are firms acting like financial intermediaries?

Recent work suggests that non-financial firms have acted like financial intermediaries particularly in emerging economies. We corroborate these findings but then ask why? Our results indicate evidence for carry-trade activities but focused in countries with higher levels of capital controls, particular controls on inflows. We find little evidence for such activities given other…

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/ 18/11/2015

Survival of the fittest: corporate control and the cleansing effect of financial crises

How does the market for corporate control reallocate firm ownership in response to adverse aggregate financial shocks? To answer this question, we develop a tractable model of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) where firms facing different degrees of financial constraints acquire ownership of illiquid domestic firms. We show that acquisitions by financially constrained acquirers, on…

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/ 18/11/2015

Riot rewards? study of BJP's electoral performance and Hindu muslim riots

Do incidents of ethnic polarization influence voter behavior? I address this question through the case study of India, the world’s largest functional democracy. Specifically, I test whether prior events of Hindu-Muslim riots electorally benefit Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP), a prominent Hindu nationalist party? The paper contributes to the literature by being the first to establish a…

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/ 18/11/2015

Billions on the sidewalk: improving savings by reducing investment mistakes

This paper contributes the on-going debate on income inequality in advanced economies with a proposal aimed at reducing costly investment mistakes that are prevalent among middle-class households. The paper starts by describing how households should invest, compares it with what we know about how households do invest, and highlights discrepancies between the two (investment mistakes…

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/ 18/11/2015

Is the monetary policy rate effective?: recent evidence from Ghana

We examine the effectiveness of monetary policy transmission mechanism in Ghana using several of statistical and econometric techniques for the period 2002M1 – 2014M12. We find monetary policy rate (MPR) to be quite effective in signaling the money market interest rates in both the short run and long run, as the effect is incomplete (that is, not one-to-one). In addition, a hierarchy…

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/ 16/11/2015

Modelling and forecasting of Tunisian current account: aggregate versus disaggregate approach

While there is considerable literature attempting to model current account, there are not many studies to forecast current account balance. This study gives a comprehensive way to model and predict current account deficit (CAD) by evaluating the forecasting performance of direct and indirect approach. At the disaggregated level, I use two variants to model current account components…

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/ 16/11/2015

The Tide Turns? Trade Protectionism, and Slowing Global Growth. The 18th GTA Report

The G20’s principal task of reviving global economic growth has never been easy – it is harder now that world trade is contracting. World trade growth isn’t slowing down – the latest available monthly data compiled for this report suggests that it has been falling in volume and value terms through 2015. On average G20 exports have fallen 4.5% since world trade peaked in value in…

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/ 01/11/2015


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