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The Empirics of Private Restraints and International Trade: What Can Policymakers Learn from the Economic Literature?

The ongoing debate on the merits of taking state action against private firms, whose practices have allegedly restricted market access, has made little reference to the policy implications of economic analyses of those practices. This disconnect between economic research and policymaking in one critical overlap between trade and competition policy is troubling, especially as these…

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English / 01/01/1999

Aussenwirtschatliche Aspekte einer kohärenten Wirtschaftspolitik. Gutachten zuhanden des Bundesamtes für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Kommission für Konjunkturfragen (KfK), Liberales wirtschaftspolitisches Konzept. Materialienband

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Deutsch / 01/01/1999

Braucht die Welthandelsorganisation eine ökologische Reform?

NFP 42-Bulletin, No. 2, Juni 1998, Bern#### (pdf, 24k)

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English / 01/01/1998

Die Nichtteilnahme der Schweiz am europäischen Integrationsprozess: Betriebswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen auf die Industrieunternehmen im Kanton Schaffhausen

Diplomarbeit - Zusammenfassung
Diese Arbeit analysiert die Konsequenzen, die sich aus dem Abseitsstehen der Schweiz vom europäischen Integrationsprozess für die Industrie im Kanton Schaffhausen ergeben. Nach einer Abgrenzung der Themenstellung werden zunächst die grundlegenden Erkenntnisse über die Entstehung und Entwicklung von Integrationsräumen dargestellt. Darauf aufbauend…

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Deutsch / 01/01/1997

Trade Liberalisation in South East Asia

Washington, D.C.; 1996; Download des Manuskripts: (pdf, 461k)

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English / 01/01/1996

Labour Supply of Married Women in Poland A Microeconometric Study Based on the Polish Labour Force Survey

ZEW Discussion Paper No.95-12, Mannheim#### not available in German The labour supply of married women in Poland is studied using the Polish Labour Force Survey on three econometric models, viz. Tobit, Three Regime Tobit and Heckit. It is shown that the choice of model has an influence on conclusions drawn. In particular, the Tobit model - which has been widely applied in empirical…

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English / 01/01/1995

Nighttime lights as a proxy for human development at the local Level

Nighttime lights are increasingly used by social scientists as a proxy for economic activity and economic development in subnational spatial units. However, so far, our understanding of what nighttime lights capture is limited. We construct local indicators of household wealth, education and health from geo-coded Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for 29 African countries. We show…

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Income Inequality and Technology Diffusion

This paper investigates how household income inequality shapes the diffusion of tech-
nologies. A simple demand side model with hierarchical preferences is used to show that
after some minimum level of average income relative to the price of the technology is
achieved, more consumer inequality hinders the diffusion process for new technologies.
Using data on…

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