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Integrative Systems Methodology: Heuristic for Requisite Variety

The author introduces a new methodological framework for dealing with complex issues, named Integrative Systems Methodology (ISM). ISM is a general heuristic to help actors in organizations and society achieve requisite variety. For this purpose, numerous "problem solving" approaches have been developed. ISM is aimed at overcoming the drawbacks of many established…

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English / 01/01/1997

Zur Logik organisatorischer Veränderungen

Jede tiefgreifende Neuausrichtung eines Unternehmens ist ein Interventionsversuch in die Verwobenheit von miteinander verkoppelten Leistungs- und Sozialsystemen, welche stets damit beschäftigt sind, ihre Stabilität zu wahren. Im Transformationskonzept eines Unternehmens kann es darum hilfreich sein, nach Analogien in der Natur zu suchen.

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Deutsch / 19/12/1996

The Swiss decision support system: State of the art and experiences

Development of the Decision Support System (DSS) used by the National Emergency Operations Centre in Switzerland began immediately after the accident at Chernobyl. The system will evaluate acceptable countermeasures following the accidental release of radioactivity in order to reduce ingestion dose. The DSS - not designed for the very early phase following the accidental release of…

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English / 11/10/1996

Evaluation von Hochschulleistungen, Leistungsindikatoren und Performance Measurements

Aufgrund der zunehmenden Studentenzahlen und der hohen Investitionen in Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen beanspruchte der Hochschulbereich in den letzten Jahren immer mehr öffentliche Mittel mit steigender Tendenz. Wurden die Hochschulbudgets bis anhin von den Parlamenten weitgehend stillschweigend genehmigt, wird dies - aufgrund der knappen Ressourcen - in Zukunft kaum mehr der…

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Deutsch / 01/01/1996

ECOSYS-87: Model Calculations of the activity in cow meat related to deposition time and feeding regimes after a nuclear fallout

The radioecological model ECOSYS-87 was used to evaluate the effect of countermeasures for reducing the ingestion dose by eating cattle meat after an accidental release of radioactive material. Calculations were performed using a database adapted to Swiss conditions for the case that (1) contaminated grass or hay is replaced by clean fodder; (2) the last 100 days before slaughter,…

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English / 01/01/1996

A look at the Nd as a special case of CNV

Tone onset and normal tone offset in Nd tasks are formally similar to the S1 and S2 events in a CNV task requiring perceptual discrimination (tone duration) for designated tones. If the Nd thus reflects more than mere stimulus selection, increasing the duration of all tones should lengthen the Nd wave. Eight subjects participated to three Nd tasks, with short tones of 50, 150, and…

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English / 01/01/1996


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