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Firm Size Wage Differentials in Switzerland: Evidence from Job Changers

Using information on job changes and search behavior of workers and controlling for endogenousnmobility we study firm-size wage differentials in Switzerland. We find that the observed crosssectionalnfirm size premium cannot be explained exclusively by worker heterogeneity. Almost 50n% of the cross-section differential is a firm-size effect.

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English / 01/02/1999

History as Reflected in Capital Markets: The Case of World War II

"Historical events are reflected in asset prices. Looking at government bond prices of five European countries traded on the Swiss stock exchange during WWII provides a useful way of interpreting the importance attributed to various war events. We direct our attention to value changes in government bonds of five different nations: On the side of the Axis, Germany and Austria; on...

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English / 01/02/1999

The new economic geography

Recently, the 'new economic geography' literature has developed as a theory of the emergence of large agglomerations which relies on increasing returns to scale and transportation costs. This literature builds on diverse intellectual traditions. It combines the insights of traditional regional science with those of modern trade theory and thus attempts to provide an...

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English / 01/01/1999

Wages, firm size and absenteeism

This paper examines two competing explanations for workers' absenteeism, the shirking hypothesis and the adjustment-to-equilibrium hypothesis. Data on German workers for 1985-88 from the German SocioEconomic Panel are used in order to estimate the determinants of workers' absenteeism. The results indicate that firm size matters after wage effects are controlled for. This...

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English / 01/01/1999

Getting out of debt: Garnishment of wage in whose interest?

Garnishment of wage as a way for creditors to enforce payment by unwilling or insolvent debtors, while very common in Germany and Switzerland, is not very successful. Based on a dynamic model of debtor behaviour, this paper explores two alternatives of reform. One is to reduce the rate of garnishment, which at present amounts to 100 percent of the wage income exceeding a defined...

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English / 01/01/1999

Taxation in an economy with private provision

This paper analyses the effects of taxation and subsidies in an economy with private provision of a public good. It is shown that in a situation where all individuals contribute, taxation affects the equilibrium allocation if and only if at least one individual's voluntary contribution to the public good has an impact on the aggregate tax payments of the others. We then consider...

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English / 01/01/1999

Economies Of Scale In The Swiss Nursing Home Industry

This paper examines costs in the Swiss nursing home industry, an issue of concern to Swiss policy makers because of the explosion of elderly care costs and the aging of the population. The paper considers estimation of a translog cost function employing panel data for a sample of 36 nonprofit nursing homes operating in Ticino, a canton of Switzerland, over the period 1993-1995. Using...

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English / 01/01/1999

Regulatory reform of telecommunications in Switzerland

National policies towards the regulation of the telecommunications industry have undergone significant change in response to technological progress and increasing competition. This article discusses the consecutive revisions of the Swiss regulatory framework during the 1990's and presents lessons to be drawn from this process. After reviewing the Telecommunications Act (...

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English / 31/12/1998

Changing places—the role of heterogeneity and externalities in cumulative processes

We consider a simple class of dynamic games. A continuum of players chooses between two actions (“locations”) in each period; per-period payoffs depend positively on the number of players choosing the same action. The resulting dynamics are investigated. If one location receives a favorable shock, the effects of the strength of externalities and the heterogeneity of the population on...

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English / 23/12/1998

Tariffs, quotas and terms-of-trade: the case of New Zealand

This paper reports quantitative information on the effects of tariffs and quotas on prices of individual goods. The analyses uses the natural experiment provided by a comprehensive unilateral trade policy reform in New Zealand to examine the response of foreign exporters to an incident of liberalisation that is unique in the developed world. The price effects of tariffs and quotas...

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English / 16/12/1998

Pareto-Verbesserungen in der Sozialversicherung durch Selbstselektion ihrer Mitglieder

In der Sozialversicherung gelten Risikoselektionen als unerwuenscht, weil sie die Gefahr mit sich bringen, dass der einheitliche Risikopool in der Sozialversicherung aufgespalten und die sozialpolitisch gewuenschten Umverteilungsstroeme zwischen den Versicherten reduziert werden. Der Beitrag zeigt am Beispiel der sozialen Krankenversicherung in der Schweiz und der Bundesrepublik...

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English / 01/12/1998

Is job stability declining in Germany? Evidence from Count Data Models

The macro evidence of increased adjustment pressure since the early 1970s suggests that job mobility should have increased. Hence, retrospective and spell data from the German Socio-Economic Panel are combined in order to test the hypothesis that job stability for German workers declined between 1974 and 1994. Using count data regression models in which we control for labour market...

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English / 01/11/1998

The Estimation of an Average Cost Frontier to Calculate Benchmark Tariffs for Electricity Distribution

In this paper we have examined the scale and cost inefficiency of a sample of Swiss electricity distribution utilities. To do so, we have considered estimation of a stochastic frontier average cost model using the approach suggested by Schmidt and Sickles (1984) for panel data. A translog cost function was estimated using panel data for a sample of 30 municipal utilities over the...

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English / 01/09/1998

Getting Out of Debt: Attachment of wage in whose interest?

Attachment of wage as a way for creditors to enforce payment by unwilling or insolvent debtors is not very successful in several countries. Based on a dynamic model of debtor behaviour, this paper explores two alternatives of reform. One is to reduce the rate of attachment, which at present amounts to 100 percent of the wage income exceeding the subsistence level, thus probably...

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English / 01/04/1998

Neue Aufschlüsse über die Elektrizitätsnachfrage der schweizerischen Haushalte

Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde ermöglicht durch das vom Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft finanzierte Projekt „Auswirkungen einer grenzkostenorientierten Tarifrevision auf die Elektrizitätsnachfrage“. Wir danken dem Bundesamt für Energiewirtschaft, dem Bundesamt für Statistik sowie den Elektrizitätswerken der Städte Zürich, Bern und Basel für die tatkräftige Unterstützung des...

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Deutsch / 01/03/1998

Posterior simulation and Bayes factors in panel count data models

This paper is concerned with the problems of posterior simulation and model choice for Poisson panel data models with multiple random effects. Efficient algorithms based on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for sampling the posterior distribution are developed. A new parameterization of the random effects and fixed effects is proposed and compared with a parameterization in common use...

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English / 01/01/1998

Long-term care insurance in a two-generation model

The purpose of this contribution is to investigate why private insurance of the risk of long-term care (LTC) has known little market success in major industrialized countries, even among the relatively well-to-do. Using a principal-agent framework, it shows that the purchase of LTC insurance by the parent (the principal) is likely to diminish the amount of LTC provided by the major...

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English / 01/01/1998

Health benefits at work - A review of Mark V. Pauly's, Health benefits at work. An economic and political analysis of employment-based health insurance

Reviews the book `Health Benefits at Work. An Economic and Political Analysis of Employment-Based Health Insurance,' by Mark V. Pauly.

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English / 01/01/1998

Managed care in Germany and Switzerland

The point of departure for this contribution is a problem common to all Western healthcare systems, namely the deficiency of their basic building block, the physician-patient relationship. This deficiency opens up a market for complementary agents in healthcare, ranging from medical associations to the central government. While Germany has traditionally put the emphasis on medical...

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English / 01/01/1998


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