
Wages, firm size and absenteeism


This paper examines two competing explanations for workers' absenteeism, the shirking hypothesis and the adjustment-to-equilibrium hypothesis. Data on German workers for 1985-88 from the German SocioEconomic Panel are used in order to estimate the determinants of workers' absenteeism. The results indicate that firm size matters after wage effects are controlled for. This evidence supports the shirking hypothesis.

Posterior simulation and Bayes factors in panel count data models


This paper is concerned with the problems of posterior simulation and model choice for Poisson panel data models with multiple random effects. Efficient algorithms based on Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for sampling the posterior distribution are developed. A new parameterization of the random effects and fixed effects is proposed and compared with a parameterization in common use, and computation of marginal likelihoods and Bayes factors via Chib’s (1995) method is also considered. The methods are illustrated with two real data applications involving large samples and multiple random effects.

When do firms benefit from environmental regulations? A simple microeconomic approach to the Porter controversy


Michael Porter and others have recently argued that suitable environmental regulations are likely to induce cost-reducing innovations. We analyze under which conditions such arguments might be consistent with microeconomic analysis, and under which additional conditions the firms' benefits might exceed the costs. It turns out that this requires fairly specific conditions.

The new economic geography


Recently, the 'new economic geography' literature has developed as a theory of the emergence of large agglomerations which relies on increasing returns to scale and transportation costs. This literature builds on diverse intellectual traditions. It combines the insights of traditional regional science with those of modern trade theory and thus attempts to provide an integrative approach to interregional and international trade. The paper surveys this literature and discusses its relation to earlier approaches to similar topics.

Comunicazione e sport


lunedì 20 marzo 2017 auditorio, campus di Lugano 16.15 17.30 Comunicazione e sport: quali sono le possibili professioni, quali i percorsi formativi e cosa contraddistingue il lavoro di chi ha fatto della comunicazione sportiva il proprio lavoro (diversi relatori, cfr. locandina allegata) 18:00 ...

Back to the future: backtesting systemic risk measures during historical bank runs and the great depression


(English below) Per il ciclo di conferenze organizzate nell'ambito del "Visting Professor Program 2017" dell'USI, la Facoltà di scienze economiche è lieta di ospitare il professor Eric Ghysels, della University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, sul tema: Back to the future: backtesting systemic risk ...

Informative Descriptor Preservation via Commutativity for Shape Matching


Speaker: Dorian Nogneng   Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, France Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017 Place: USI Lugano Campus, room SI-003, informatics building (Via G. Buffi 13) Time: 14:30 ...

CS LIVE: Alessandra Gianella @ economiesuisse


L'USI Career & Alumni Service sono lieti di invitarvi alla testimonianza Career Story LIVE di:   Alessandra Gianella @ economiesuisse Martedì, 21 marzo 2017, 10.30 - 12.30 Room 253 - Main Building   Introduce: Prof. Marco Meneguzzo Corso di Bachelor in Scienze Economiche: Economia e management ...

L'USI dalla A alla Z


Su Terra ticinese, la rivista bimestrale che da quasi quarant'anni racconta i "luoghi e la gente" del nostro Cantone, ha preso inizio una nuova rubrica a firma del Rettore dell'USI Boas Erez. L'obiettivo della serie, intitolata l'USI dalla A alla Z, è quello di presentare l'Università della Svizzera ...

Comunicare in modo efficace: lezione di Sergio Ermotti all'USI


Lo scorso lunedì 13 marzo Sergio Ermotti (UBS Group CEO) è intervenuto all'USI tenendo una lezione nell'ambito del Master in Financial Communication. La lezione, intitolata "Communicating effectively: one message for all stakeholders", ha messo in luce come negli ultimi trent'anni l'importanza della ...


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