Université de Zürich - Faculté des sciences économiques

Salutary mechanisms in the relationship between stress and health: The mediating and moderating roles of Sense of Coherence-Revised


Rohner, Shauna L; Bernays, Florence; Maercker, Andreas; Thoma, Myriam V (2021). Salutary mechanisms in the relationship between stress and health: The mediating and moderating roles of Sense of Coherence-Revised. Stress and Health:Epub ahead of print.

Ökonomen-Ranking 2021: Ernst Fehr zum achten Mal in Folge auf Platz 1


Jährlich publizieren die NZZ, F.A.Z und Die Presse gemeinsam das sogenannte «Ökonomen-Ranking», welches nicht nur das Standing von Forscherinnen und Forschern in der Wissenschaft, sondern auch in der Öffentlichkeit berücksichtigt. Seit Jahren führt Prof. Ernst Fehr dieses Ranking unangefochten an, so auch 2021.

The simple regularities in the dynamics of online news impact


Medo, Matúš; Mariani, Manuel; Lü, Linyuan (2021). The simple regularities in the dynamics of online news impact. Journal of Computational Social Science:Epub ahed of print.

Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic


Meier, Pascal Flurin; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, E (2021). Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Sport Finance, 16(3):111-126.

Algorithmic bias amplification via temporal effects: The case of PageRank in evolving networks


Cui, Mengtian; Mariani, Manuel; Medo, Matúš (2022). Algorithmic bias amplification via temporal effects: The case of PageRank in evolving networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 104:106029.

A dynamic contest model of platform competition in two-sided markets


Grossmann, Martin; Lang, Markus; Dietl, Helmut (2021). A dynamic contest model of platform competition in two-sided markets. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(6):2019-2109.

Uninformative Performance Signals and Forced CEO Turnover


Flepp, Raphael (2021). Uninformative Performance Signals and Forced CEO Turnover. UZH Business Working Paper Series 389, University of Zurich.

Underestimating randomness: Outcome bias in betting exchange markets


Merz, Oliver; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, E (2021). Underestimating randomness: Outcome bias in betting exchange markets. UZH Business Working Paper Series 390, University of Zurich.

Do expert clinicians make the best managers? Evidence from hospitals in Denmark, Australia and Switzerland


Bäker, Agnes; Goodall, Amanda H (2021). Do expert clinicians make the best managers? Evidence from hospitals in Denmark, Australia and Switzerland. BMJ Leader, 5(3):161-166.

Pushing performance by building bridges: Human and social capital as mechanisms behind the mobility-performance link


Bäker, Agnes; Breuninger, Susanne; Pull, Kerstin (2021). Pushing performance by building bridges: Human and social capital as mechanisms behind the mobility-performance link. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 129:103613.


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