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Le passage à l'Etat. Méditation d'un politologue

Ce chapitre vise à développer l'idée que l'entrée du peuple juif dans la politique étatique a changé à la fois la perception qu'il a de lui-même et le rapport qu'il entretient avec les autres, étant entendu que les autres, dans ce contexte, sont essentiellement les Palestiniens. Désormais, en tant qu'acteur étatique, le peuple juif a entre ses mains, comme...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005

Israël et l'Autre

Il y a, dans la courte histoire de l'Etat d'Israël, une succession interminable de violences subies et infligées. Dans ce livre, cinq chercheurs basés à Genève et Tel-Aviv, analysent sous plusieurs angles originaux la difficile relation politique qu'Israël établit avec l'autre. Il s'agit de comprendre, en restituant la genèse des événements, en dénouant la...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2005

Konkursprivileg für leitende Arbeitnehmer

Der Autor analysiert, ob Lohnforderungen aller Arbeitnehmer einer konkursiten Gesellschaft ein Konkursprivileg erster Klasse zukommt oder ob leitende Arbeitnehmer von diesem Privileg ausgeschlossen sind. Die herrschende Lehre lehnt das Konkursprivileg erster Klasse für Führungskräfte einer Unternehmung mehrheitlich ab. In der Rechtsprechung wird zum einen davon ausgegangen, Art. 219...

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Deutsch / 15/12/2004

Corporate Income Tax Reform in Switzerland

This paper analyzes the likely economic consequences of a specific proposal for corporate income tax reform in Switzerland that is based on the recent ERU (2001) report. The proposal includes a partial dividend tax relief, more effective taxation of capital gains, and a property tax reduction, all relating to qualified stakes in corporate firms. Based on an analytical and...

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English / 15/12/2004

Designing the Financial Tool to Promote Universal Free-Access to AIDS Care

Typical of the AIDS epidemics is that governments in developing countries under-invest in drugs production because of the possible appearance of a curative vaccine. We design a financialntool allowing to hedge against this event. We show that the introduction of this asset increases social welfare, as well as the number of patients treated and the provision of public good.

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English / 01/12/2004

Learning in Repeated Games without Repeating the Game

"This paper extends the convergence result on Bayesian learning in Kalai and Lehrern(1993a, 1993b) to a class of games where players have a payoff function continuous for the product topology. Provided that 1) every player maximizes her expected payoff against her own beliefs, 2) every player updates her beliefs in a Bayesian manner, and 3) prior beliefs other players’...

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English / 01/12/2004

Market Power, Survival and Accuracy of Predictions in Financial Markets

"This paper aims to show that the market selection hypothesis in finance is not solely driven by the competitiveness of such markets, as was originally claimed by Alchian [1] and Friedman [4]. Within a standard intertemporal General Equilibrium framework, we allow for an agentnto have enough influence on financial markets to strategically affect prices of assets traded. We then...

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English / 01/12/2004

Making International Organizations More Democratic

World governance today is characterized by international organizations lacking democratic legitimacy and control by the citizens they claim to represent. They are also criticized for being inefficient. This leads to violent protests and to NGOs having great influence. To address these problems, we propose international governance base on the democratic idea of citizen participation:...

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English / 01/12/2004


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