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Maduro Bonds

For multiple decades, activists have sought to institute an international legal regime that limits the ability of despotic governments to borrow money and then shift those obligations onto more democratic successor governments. Our goal in this article is to raise the possibility of an alternate legal path to raising the costs of borrowing for despotic regimes. All countries have...

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Français, English / 28/09/2018

The bank lending channel: a time-varying approach

Using a cross-country panel of 925 banks from 19 advanced economies, for the period 1981-2016, I examine how the bank lending channel of monetary policy has evolved over time. I find that the sensitivity of lending to bank balance sheet liquidity declines over time, with nearly all the reduction occurring between the early 1990s and the early 2000s. Contrary to normal times, during...

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Français, English / 11/06/2018

Foreign currency bank funding and global factors

The literature on drivers of capital flows stresses the prominent role of global financial factors. Recent empirical work, however, highlights how this role varies across countries and time, and this heterogeneity is not well understood. We revisit this question by focusing on financial intermediaries' funding flows in different currencies. A portfolio model shows that the sign and...

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Français, English / 29/05/2018

Does public debt crowd out corporate investment?: international evidence

Using data for advanced and emerging economies, we show that there is a negative correlation between public debt and corporate investment. Industry-level regressions show that high levels of government debt are particularly damaging for industries that need more external financial resources. Firm-level regressions show that government debt increases the sensitivity of corporate...

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Français, English / 24/05/2018

Des étudiants ID à la rédaction de Hors-Texte

Intégrer des étudiants dans le processus rédactionnel de Hors-Texte : une proposition de collaboration de la Haute école de gestion de Genève // HES-SO Genève, filière Information documentaire.

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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Français / 07/05/2018

Le sentiment d'appartenance au Grand Genève demeure problématique: analyse des articles de presse et des discours politiques (2005-2017)

Le projet "Grand Genève" peine à créer autour de lui un sentiment d'identification fort. La collaboration entre le canton de Genève, le canton de Vaud et les départements de la Haute-Savoie et de l'Ain reste depuis 2005 une entreprise qui apparaît lointaine et détachée de toute notion affective aux yeux de la population. L'étude des discours politiques et des...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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Français / 30/04/2018

Le sentiment d'appartenance au Grand Genève demeure problématique ::analyse des articles de presse et des discours politiques (2005-2017)

Le projet "Grand Genève" peine à créer autour de lui un sentiment d'identification fort. La collaboration entre le canton de Genève, le canton de Vaud et les départements de la Haute-Savoie et de l'Ain reste depuis 2005 une entreprise qui apparaît lointaine et détachée de toute notion affective aux yeux de la population. L'étude des discours politiques et des...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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Français / 30/04/2018

Acquirers and financial constraints: theory and evidence from emerging markets

How do financial frictions shape the set of acquirers, how much they acquire, and how long they keep ownership? To address these questions, we develop a tractable model of M&As; whereby acquirers and targets emerge endogenously due to differences in liquidity. Financial crises lead to selection effects among acquirers that result in larger acquired stakes and more persistent...

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Français, English / 16/04/2018

Education, gender, religion, politics: what priorities for cultural integration policies in Switzerland?

This paper explores cultural integration paths of eight migrant groups in Switzerland. It specifically analyzes the evolution of objective behaviors and subjective attitudes of migrants from the first to the second generation. In order to deepen the analysis, the cultural integration of migrants is further examined from different perspectives: across cohorts (older vs. younger...

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Français, English / 16/04/2018

Down with diarrhea: using fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design to link communal water supply with health

This paper contributes to the existing literature by demonstrating that the provision of communal water supply can be effective in improving child health if the targeted population shows adequate hygiene awareness and behavior. Until now, the fast growing body of literature on water development interventions could not establish a significant effect of communal water supply on health...

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Français, English / 16/04/2018


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