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Searching for trade partners in developing countries: testing firms in the "fast fashion" industry

An integral part of global supply chains is the selection by international buyers of trading partners in developing countries. However, our understanding of how buyers find a suitable long term supplier is limited. I use unique buyer-seller customs data to directly observe experimentation activity in a large market - the "fast fashion" industry in Bangladesh. I study how buyers of...

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Français, English / 07/04/2020

Increasing trust in bankers to enhance savings: experimental evidence from India

According to economic theory, repeated interactions can play a crucial role in shaping trust. We randomly allocated people to treatments that promote interactions with bankers. Next, these people play incentivised trust games with their own banker and with an anonymous other banker. While the effect on trust in the own banker is limited, the impact on trust in other bankers is...

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Français, English / 13/03/2020

Does leverage predict delinquency in consumer lending?: evidence from Peru

This paper examines to what extent household leverage—as measured by the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio—predicts delinquency in Peru’s consumer credit market. A model is estimated to assess the relation between delinquency and the DTI ratio. The initial and current DTI ratios are assessed as delinquency predictors. The results confirm that the current DTI ratio is effective for...

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Français, English / 05/03/2020

Globotics and development: when manufacturing is jobless and services are tradable

Globalization and robotics (globotics) are transforming the world economy at an explosive pace. While much of the literature has focused on rich nations, the changes are quite likely to affect developing nations in important ways. The premise of the paper - which should be regarded as a thought-piece - is based on an extreme thought experiment. What does development look like when...

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Français, English / 03/03/2020

Policy networks and the roles of public administrations

This chapter applies the methodological tools of formal social network analysis tbNelË illustraæ the mdtifk functions currently performed by puUiic aàmi*stration(s) in steering public policy.

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019

How MPs' ties to interest groups matter for legislative co-sponsorship

This article investigates whether linkages between members of parliament (MPs) and interest groups matter for MPs' activities of co-sponsoring legislative proposals. Based on statistical models for network data, the study builds on classical explanations of co-sponsorships highlighting the role of similar ties between MPs, such as party membership, legislative committee...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019

Who gets lost, and what difference does it make? Mixed modes, nonresponse follow-up surveys and the estimation of turnout

This article assesses whether—and to what extent—turnout bias in postelection surveys is reduced by adding a short nonresponse follow-up (NRFU) survey to a mixed-mode survey. Specifically, we examine how the NRFU survey influences response propensities across demographic groups and political factors and whether this affects data quality. We use a rich dataset on validated voter...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019

Mobilizing different types of voters: The influence of campaign intensity on turnout in direct democratic votes

A well-established body of literature links voter turnout to political campaigns. In this view, intensive campaigns increase the perceived salience of a decision, fostering information-seeking and, ultimately, turnout. The existing literature has also advanced our understanding of how direct democratic institutions influence turnout in elections. Yet we still know little about...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019

La Suisse dans la rue: Mouvements, mobilisations, manifestants

Les Suisses et Suissesses descendent dans la rue. Contrairement aux idées reçues, ils contestent et manifestent tout autant que leurs voisins européens. Pour fournir une meilleure compréhension du phénomène, Marco Giugni révèle leurs insatisfactions et dissèque les protestataires par âge, sexe, statut social et motivation. Sous un angle historique, l'auteur retrace la...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019

Préférences politiques et contexte décisionnel : rationalité limitée, problèmes et affiliation des acteurs

La notion de préférence est centrale à l'analyse des politiques publiques et de la coordination dans les sciences sociales. Les préférences des acteurs sont censées déterminer, pour partie, choix et comportements. Ainsi, comprendre la formation des préférences éclaire les potentiels impacts d'instruments de politiques publiques ou de designs institutionnels sur les...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019

La place de l'ONU Genève sur la scène internationale : Enjeux et perspectives du positionnement genevois au sein des relations internationales

La place de l'ONU Genève sur la scène internationale : Enjeux et perspectives du positionnement genevois au sein des relations internationales

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019

Les représentations de l'islam dans la campagne présidentielle française de 2017, une analyse de discours

Les représentations de l'islam dans la campagne présidentielle française de 2017, une analyse de discours

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2019


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