
Steuern im Kontext der Digitalisierung; Digitale Transaktionsdaten als “Kronjuwelen” der Steuerbehörden?

Is the Pillar 2 Agreement Infringing International Law Obligations?


The Value-Relevance of Voluntary Integrated Reporting - A Cross-Country Analysis of Germany and the United Kingdom.

Sponsorship disclosure of influencers - a curse or a blessing?


Giuffredi-Kähr, Andrea; Petrova, Alisa; Malär, Lucia (2022). Sponsorship disclosure of influencers - a curse or a blessing? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 57(1):18-34.

Der neue Zwischenabschluss nach Art. 960f nOR: Übersicht und praktische Anwendungsfragen


Pfaff, Dieter; Zihler, Florian (2022). Der neue Zwischenabschluss nach Art. 960f nOR: Übersicht und praktische Anwendungsfragen. Expert Focus, (Februar):27-34.

The importance of high performing team members in complex team work: results from quasi-experiments in professional team sports


Wegelin, Philipp; Orlowski, Johannes; Dietl, Helmut M (2022). The importance of high performing team members in complex team work: results from quasi-experiments in professional team sports. Economic Inquiry:Epub ahead of print.

Outcome Bias in Self-evaluations: Quasi-experimental Field Evidence of Swiss Driving License Exams


Meier, Pascal Flurin; Flepp, Raphael; Meier, Philippe; Franck, E (2022). Outcome Bias in Self-evaluations: Quasi-experimental Field Evidence of Swiss Driving License Exams. UZH Business Working Paper Series 392, University of Zurich.

A cross-cultural study of purposive “traits of action”: Measurement invariance of scales based on the action–trait theory of human motivation sing exploratory structural equation modeling


Bernard, Larry C; Lac, Andrew; Richter, Michael; Cieciuch, Jan; Žuro, Barbara; Silvestrini, Nicolas; Krupić, Dino; von Helversen, Bettina (2021). A cross-cultural study of purposive “traits of action”: Measurement invariance of scales based on the action–trait theory of human motivation sing exploratory structural equation modeling. Studia Psychologica, 21(1):5-29.

Reactivity and Activity as dimensions capturing both energetic and temporal aspects of behavior: Towards a reconceptualization of Jan Strelau's basic temperament dimensions based on the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits


Strus, Włodzimierz; Ponikiewska, Klaudia; Cieciuch, Jan (2022). Reactivity and Activity as dimensions capturing both energetic and temporal aspects of behavior: Towards a reconceptualization of Jan Strelau's basic temperament dimensions based on the Circumplex of Personality Metatraits. Personality and Individual Differences, 188:111434.

Vulnerable Isolation and Enmity Concept: Disentangling the blue and dark face of vulnerable narcissism


Rogoza, Radosław; Cieciuch, Jan; Strus, Włodzimierz (2022). Vulnerable Isolation and Enmity Concept: Disentangling the blue and dark face of vulnerable narcissism. Journal of Research in Personality, 96:104167.


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