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Are workers rewarded for inconsistent performance?

Özdemir, Anil; Dietl, Helmut; Rossi, Gianbattista; Simmons, Rob (2021). Are workers rewarded for inconsistent performance? Industrial Relations:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 04/10/2021

Working-Together Normative Appeals: Normative appeals motivate people to contribute to collective action problems more when they invite people to work together toward a common goal

Howe, Lauren; Carr, Priyanka B; Walton, Gregory M (2021). Working-Together Normative Appeals: Normative appeals motivate people to contribute to collective action problems more when they invite people to work together toward a common goal. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121(2):215-238.

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English / 29/09/2021

Salutary mechanisms in the relationship between stress and health: The mediating and moderating roles of Sense of Coherence-Revised

Rohner, Shauna L; Bernays, Florence; Maercker, Andreas; Thoma, Myriam V (2021). Salutary mechanisms in the relationship between stress and health: The mediating and moderating roles of Sense of Coherence-Revised. Stress and Health:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 22/09/2021

Stonig, Joachim: How Incumbent Firms Strategically Transform from Product-Focus to Ecosystem Leadership. Thesis, 2019.

Die Entstehung von Unternehmensökosystemen in einem Wirtschaftssektor stellt eine bedeutende und potentiell disruptive Herausforderung für produktfokussierte Unternehmen dar. Die bestehende Literatur sieht die Entstehung von Ökosystemen als einen radikalen, technologischen Wandel, der produktfokussierte Aktivitäten bedroht. Daher wissen wir relativ wenig darüber, wie Unternehmen ihr…

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/ 21/09/2021

Meynhardt, Timo: Orientierungswissen im MBA-Programm, für mehr als die tägliche Praxis: das Leipziger Führungsmodell. In: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift (2021), 34,

Gute Führung bemisst sich - wir hatten es manchmal vergessen - an einer Haltung, in deren Zentrum der Mensch und die Auswirkungen des eigenen Handelns auf das grössere Ganze stehen. Nicht Macht, Wissen oder Status definieren die Führungsleistung, sondern der Wertbeitrag, den eine Führungskraft in den Augen anderer für andere stiftet. Das ist einer der Kerngedanken des Leipziger…

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/ 19/09/2021

The simple regularities in the dynamics of online news impact

Medo, Matúš; Mariani, Manuel; Lü, Linyuan (2021). The simple regularities in the dynamics of online news impact. Journal of Computational Social Science:Epub ahed of print.

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English / 15/09/2021

Exchange rate effects on cross-border commuting : Evidence from the Swiss-Italian border

In: Journal of economic geography, 2020, vol. 20, no. 4, p. 969-1001

Institution partenaire

Università  della Svizzera italiana

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English / 14/09/2021

Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic

Meier, Pascal Flurin; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, E (2021). Are Sports Betting Markets Semistrong Efficient? Evidence from the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Sport Finance, 16(3):111-126.

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English / 13/09/2021

Algorithmic bias amplification via temporal effects: The case of PageRank in evolving networks

Cui, Mengtian; Mariani, Manuel; Medo, Matúš (2022). Algorithmic bias amplification via temporal effects: The case of PageRank in evolving networks. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 104:106029.

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English / 07/09/2021

Frankenberger, Karolin & Mader, Sascha: What is a business model?. (2019).

Brief definition of what a business model is to be used for class teaching that builds on the business model's definition according to the book "The Business Model Navigator".

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/ 30/08/2021

Meynhardt, Timo & Eduard, Frantz: Public Value - Gemeinwohl als Zielgröße im Medienmanagement. In: tv diskurs (2021), 3, S. 24-28.

Medienorganisationen – insbesondere öffentlich-rechtliche – haben eine hervorgehobene gesellschaftliche Funktion zu erfüllen. Wir stellen hier eine bedürfnisorientierte Public Value-Theorie vor (Meynhardt 2008; 2009), die den Public Value einer Organisation als ihren Beitrag zum Gemeinwohl versteht und auf Basis menschlicher Grundbedürfnisse definiert. Damit ließe sich der…

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/ 29/08/2021

Swiss Federal Supreme Court on Nexus For Financial Transaction Tax.

Hongler, Peter & Menzer, Ariane
Swiss Federal Supreme Court on Nexus For Financial Transaction Tax.
Tax Notes International,

ISSN 1048-3306

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/ 26/08/2021

A dynamic contest model of platform competition in two-sided markets

Grossmann, Martin; Lang, Markus; Dietl, Helmut (2021). A dynamic contest model of platform competition in two-sided markets. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(6):2019-2109.

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English / 24/08/2021

Uninformative Performance Signals and Forced CEO Turnover

Flepp, Raphael (2021). Uninformative Performance Signals and Forced CEO Turnover. UZH Business Working Paper Series 389, University of Zurich.

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English / 24/08/2021

Underestimating randomness: Outcome bias in betting exchange markets

Merz, Oliver; Flepp, Raphael; Franck, E (2021). Underestimating randomness: Outcome bias in betting exchange markets. UZH Business Working Paper Series 390, University of Zurich.

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English / 24/08/2021

Do expert clinicians make the best managers? Evidence from hospitals in Denmark, Australia and Switzerland

Bäker, Agnes; Goodall, Amanda H (2021). Do expert clinicians make the best managers? Evidence from hospitals in Denmark, Australia and Switzerland. BMJ Leader, 5(3):161-166.

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English / 24/08/2021

Pushing performance by building bridges: Human and social capital as mechanisms behind the mobility-performance link

Bäker, Agnes; Breuninger, Susanne; Pull, Kerstin (2021). Pushing performance by building bridges: Human and social capital as mechanisms behind the mobility-performance link. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 129:103613.

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English / 24/08/2021

Natural disasters and electoral outcomes

In: European Journal of Political Economy, 2021, vol. 67, p. 19 p

Institution partenaire

Università  della Svizzera italiana

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English / 23/08/2021


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