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COMFORT: A common market factor non-Gaussian returns model

A new multivariate time series model with various attractive properties is motivated and studied. By extending the CCC model in several ways, it allows for all the primary stylized facts of financial asset returns, including volatility clustering, non-normality (excess kurtosis and asymmetry), and also dynamics in the dependency between assets over time. A fast EM-algorithm is…

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English / 01/08/2015

Monetary policy, risk-taking and pricing: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

We study the risk-taking channel of monetary policy in Bolivia, a dollarized country where monetary changes are transmitted exogenously from the USA. We find that a lower policy rate spurs the granting of riskier loans, to borrowers with worse credit histories, lower ex-ante internal ratings, and weaker ex-post performance (acutely so when the rate subsequently increases). Effects…

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English / 01/08/2015

Willingness to be financially informed and the benefits of nudging investors to do so

Bhattacharya et al. (2012) shows that many investors are reluctant to accept and follow financial advice. This study analyzes three possibilities which could cause this misbehavior: non-monetary costs, willingness to become informed and comprehensibility of financial information. As so many investors do not accept financial advice, the study further analyzes if it is beneficial to…

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English / 10/07/2015

Monetary conditions and banks' behaviour in the Czech Republic

This paper examines the impact of monetary conditions on the risk-taking behaviour of banks in the Czech Republic by analysing the comprehensive credit register of the Czech National Bank. Our duration analysis indicates that expansionary monetary conditions promote risk-taking among banks. At the same time, a lower interest rate during the life of a loan reduces its riskiness. While…

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English / 01/07/2015

Risk preferences are not time preferences: balancing on a budget line: comment

In a recent experimental study of intertemporal risky decision making, Andreoni and Sprenger (2012) find that subjects exhibit a preference for intertemporal diversification, which is inconsistent with discounted expected utility theory. It was claimed that their results are also at odds with models involving probability weighting, such as rank-dependent utility and cumulative…

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English / 01/07/2015

Diversification, protection of liability holders and regulatory arbitrage

Any solvency regime for financial institutions should be aligned with the two fundamental objectives of regulation: protecting liability holders and securing the stability of the financial system. From these objectives wederive two normative requirements for capital adequacy tests, called surplus and numeraire invariance, respectively. We characterize capital adequacy tests that…

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English / 29/06/2015

Agency problems, recapitalization costs and optimal resolution of financial distress

We introduce in a dynamic–contracting framework with moral hazard the possibility of recapitalization as an alternative to liquidation when a firm is in financial distress. This is achieved by considering a loss–averse agent and by allowing (but not requiring) the latter to inject additional capital into the firm when necessary. We show that firm recapitalization may arise in an…

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English / 01/06/2015

Die Banken in der Moralfalle

"Wer Moral hat, geht zur Bank." Wirtschaftsnobelpreisträger Robert Shiller meint dies ernst: Jede menschliche Tätigkeit von Bedeutung muss finanziert werden, und man kann wenig Gutes für die Welt im Alleingang erreichen.

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Deutsch / 01/06/2015

Framing effects and risk perception: testing graphical representations of risk for the KIID

In this paper we analyze which graphical representation of risk is most effective in supporting investors to assess the risk and return characteristics of a fund. Moreover, we test on which criteria the investors base their risk taking behavior. To this end we compare return bar charts and price line charts, combined with some additional information such as a risk scale or a gain and…

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English / 15/05/2015

Dynamics of innovation and risks

We study the dynamics of an innovative industry when agents learn about its strength, i.e., the likelihood that it gets hit by negative shocks. Managers can exert risk-prevention effort to mitigate the consequences of such shocks. As time goes by, if no shock occurs, confidence improves. This attracts managers to the innovative sector. But, when confidence becomes high, less managers…

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English / 05/05/2015

Fankurven als Schiedsrichter

Die Schweiz geht zu einer neuen Wirtschaftsform über. Weiss (freie Marktwirtschaft) oder Schwarz (reine Staatswirtschaft) war zwar nie, dem Bundesrat schwebt aber eine besondere Schattierung von Dunkelgrau vor. Er sieht die Unternehmen neu als verlängerten Arm des Staates. «Der Bund erwartet von den Wirtschaftsakteuren, dass sie ihre gesellschaftliche Verantwortung wahrnehmen»,…

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Deutsch / 20/04/2015

Risk and Return around the Clock

We investigate price discovery over the 24-hour trading day for equities, currencies, bonds, and commodities. Sizable price discovery occurs around the clock for most assets. For a given asset, intraday risk and return distributions are fairly similar, indicating a broadly constant risk-return-relationship during the day. Although the amount of price discovery varies significantly…

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English / 14/04/2015

Is there room for geoengineering in the optimal climate policy mix?

We investigate geoengineering as a possible substitute for adaptation and mitigation measures to address climate change. With the help of an integrated assessment model, we distinguish between the effects of solar radiation management on atmospheric temperature levels and its side-effects on ecosystems. To address the uncertainty regarding the magnitude of side-effects, we rely on a…

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English / 01/04/2015

Measuring and aggregating social performance of microfinance investment vehicles

This paper develops a method to measure and compare social performance of microfinance investments at the level of microfinance investment vehicles. Drawing from measurement theory, it develops formal quality criteria that individual social performance indicators, the selection, and the aggregation of such indicators into a single metric need to satisfy. Social performance indicators…

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English / 31/03/2015

Economic Momentum and Currency Returns

Past trends in a broad range of fundamental variables predict currency returns. We document that a trading strategy that goes long currencies in countries with strong economic momentum and short currencies in countries with weak economic momen- tum exhibits an annualized Sharpe ratio of about one and yields a significant alpha when controlling for standard carry, momentum, and value…

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English / 27/03/2015

Central Bank Collateral Frameworks

This paper seeks to inform about a feature of monetary policy that is largely overlooked, yet occupies a central role in modern monetary and financial systems, namely central bank collateral frameworks. Their importance can be understood by the observation that the money at the core of these systems, central bank money, is injected into the economy on terms, not defined in a market,…

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English / 08/03/2015


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